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Thread: Anyone try High Mountain Badger?
02-07-2015, 12:47 AM #11
The name means nothing. You need to know how the one you are getting performs.
The original term High Mountain White was coined by Plisson and it was very expensive like $300+ for a small basic brush. There is nothing else like it. I don't think they still make them. Now everyone uses the term for very different products.No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
02-07-2015, 02:56 AM #12
I have several HMW of different sizes (19-28) from The Golden Nib (I like TGN best) and else where. I love them all. The 28 holds a ton of lather. I've tried them all and I do not like the scratch/scritch of other coarser bristles. I set my HMW at 50mm to give them a little more backbone.
Shave the Lather...