If you're looking for "scritchy", which I define as a firm presence of the brush on your face, a "digging in" and exfoliation factor while using your brush - then I would go for a Morris & Forndran brush, or go for the Shavemac D01 two band knot - these two brushes fall firmly into the category of "scritchy" for me, and personally are my favorite brushes.

On the other end, if you're looking for a silky tip feeling of the brush tips on your face, while still maintaining excellent backbone, the nicest of the lot in my experience is Plisson High Mountain White. Thater 4125 series are very close to the Plisson as well in terms of silky tips with great backbone.

Simpson and Rooney brushes, again in my experience, range up and down the middle of these extremes.

After the M&F and Shavemac D01 two-bacd knot, the Simpsons and Rooney brushes are all great brushes to have, to change things up, I use these brushes frequently. My Plisson and Thater, due to their absolute silky tip softness, don't get used as much.

And as is mentioned in the thread - this is one of the reasons people have so many brushes, trying to discover the "go-to" brush, the one you'd have, "if there could be only ONE!", and the enjoyment of trying and using different brushes.