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Thread: shavemac knots

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Have a look at Maseto Shaving knots. For the price you can't go wrong, medium density and soft, little to no scritch. Might loose an occasional bristle but nothing to get upset about.

    Edit: Thater are an excellent suggestion, very soft with medium backbone. No shedding.
    MS knots will be 1/4 of the price though.
    Last edited by markbignosekelly; 02-02-2020 at 07:13 PM.
    rolodave, BobH and RezDog like this.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    The only recent experience I have had with replacement knots is buying a Maggards 28mm SHD 2 band badger knot. They were very good to deal with and the knot turned out to be very good in use. I get another if I had need again.

    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    Try a good rub with a hair conditioner like Pentene. Rub it in, rinse it thoroughly, hang to dry.
    I used a spray in conditioner on it tonight and I will see how that goes...

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaro1069 View Post
    any replacement recommendations for a new knot for a shavemac brush. my shavemac knot is an extreme shedder...
    It would depend on what you are looking for. The D01 2 & 3 Band knots are extremely dense with the former being a bit scritchy with great backbone. If you want something very soft, then the regular Silvertip 2-Band knots are excellent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tathra11 View Post
    The last Shavemac brush I bought was also in November 2019. It's a 24mm two band silvertip (not D01). While it hasn't shed at all, it has been terribly scritchy. I always like to help break in a brush with 3 or 4 hand lathering sessions. For shaving I only face lather. I realize badger can be a little scritchy at times, but this brush was causing me irritation. Tiny red bumps from the prickling tips. I stopped using the brush for shaving and returned to my break in method of lathering with the brush on the back of my hand for a week or so. Also did a soak in a vinegar and warm water mix. This all seems to have reduced the scritch quite a lot, but it's still not without some scritch.
    This is very interesting. I guess we all have a subjective interpretation of 'scritchy' as I find Shavemac's regular Silvertip 2-Band knots extremely soft with no detectable scritch. I believe these knots are bleached to make them that way as I have had a few that mimic that 'gel-tipped' hair. i have never heard anyone say that these knots were uncomfortable to use. You could have possibly gotten a different type of hair by mistake.
    Good luck with the brush.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by celestino View Post
    This is very interesting. I guess we all have a subjective interpretation of 'scritchy' as I find Shavemac's regular Silvertip 2-Band knots extremely soft with no detectable scritch. I believe these knots are bleached to make them that way as I have had a few that mimic that 'gel-tipped' hair. i have never heard anyone say that these knots were uncomfortable to use. You could have possibly gotten a different type of hair by mistake.
    Good luck with the brush.
    Yes, I have 2 brushes with Shavemac 2 band silvertip knots, not the DO1 2 banders, and they have no scritch at all with decent backbone so as not to be floppy. The brushes were purchased at different times.

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  5. #15
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I have the 2 band D01 and after a good breakin i find no scritch. Its amazing they can pack that many hairs in a knot.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  6. #16
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    After the spray in conditioner I haven't used the brush yet but I went ahead and used a regular leave in conditioner too and have let it sit with the conditioner still on it.. I'm gonna wait another day before I wash it and then I will try it.
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  7. #17
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    Ok update time. The brush was still a shredder after conditioning but I got a tremendous surprise about a week ago... I received a Brand New complete brush from Bernd in the mail... He sent me One with the same type of handle And knot !! I am going to be trying it in the next few days and will update again afterwards..
    Snuff, rolodave, BobH and 2 others like this.

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