Quote Originally Posted by Tathra11 View Post
The last Shavemac brush I bought was also in November 2019. It's a 24mm two band silvertip (not D01). While it hasn't shed at all, it has been terribly scritchy. I always like to help break in a brush with 3 or 4 hand lathering sessions. For shaving I only face lather. I realize badger can be a little scritchy at times, but this brush was causing me irritation. Tiny red bumps from the prickling tips. I stopped using the brush for shaving and returned to my break in method of lathering with the brush on the back of my hand for a week or so. Also did a soak in a vinegar and warm water mix. This all seems to have reduced the scritch quite a lot, but it's still not without some scritch.
Try a good rub with a hair conditioner like Pentene. Rub it in, rinse it thoroughly, hang to dry.