Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
I'm happy to know that. At least they don't get cought just for the fur.
Also, I'm against animal hunting, if they're endangered species.

I love meat too and I love my Rooney badger brush, but I'm against animal cruelty. If an animal is going to die to supply food for the human kind, then that must be done the quickest and painless way possible.
I agree, In an ideal world that might be the way it is but in this world even human life is not regarded with great respect. My point however ill expressed was that many show great concern with a badger being killed for the hair but eat animals without giving a thought to how they got on the plate in front of them. If I were more idealistic I might be a total vegan but I am not and I don't apologize for it. As CS Lewis pointed out in The Problem of Pain the creator made a world in which most creatures survive by preying on other living creatures.