View Poll Results: What do you use?

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  • I use a classic mug for my soap

    5 14.71%
  • I use an oversized mug

    13 38.24%
  • I use a scuttle

    5 14.71%
  • I don't use any of the above

    11 32.35%
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  1. #1
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Default What kind of mug do you use?

    Just wondering

  2. #2
    Junior Member jon_h_2268's Avatar
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    I use a Pyrex bowl with a sealable lid so that I can have several soaps on the go without them drying out.

  3. #3
    Rob is offline
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    I use several different types. Oversized, an old spice mug, a wooden bowl, and a tupperware bowl.

  4. #4
    Member yan3751's Avatar
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    Default What kind of mug do you use?

    (New here. One of the many who have finally gotten disgusted with canned shaving "stuff" - seems like most of the cans don't make it close to 3/4 of the way through before losing pressure, and you can't even recycle the stupid can when you're done - as well as the prospect of having to "upgrade" to a high-tech, umpteen-blade uber shaver ... with each cartidge costing an arm and a leg. I'm lurking now, trying to absorb as much info as I can.)

    The shaving scuttles look cool, but is it hard to find soaps that fit them?. (Classic Shaving lists one brand, out of several, that fits. Haven't looked at a whole lot of other places.)

  5. #5
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Actually I am not sure I buy my soap from Classic Shaving. I just want to add putting near boiling water in the scuttle and soaking your brush in it while you shower makes for one great shave.

  6. #6
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I agree with you Rich. Hot, hot water makes a world of difference.

    In terms of mugs I finally found a scuttle mug and I really like it. A cake of soap fits in the top just fine. I do not know who made the scuttle mug but it is really just the right size. I place my "Hot Shot" in the bottom with water and within 3 minutes I have very hot water. I then place my brush in the water and let it soak. Wondeful lather and feels good also.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have 2 mugs in use, a pewter and a ceramic. I have two old scuttles but I prefer a mug with a cover on it. It keeps the dirt out of the soap and the scented soaps seem to keep their scent longer with a cover.

  8. #8
    Member newdovo's Avatar
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    Default Re: What kind of mug do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by yan3751
    The shaving scuttles look cool, but is it hard to find soaps that fit them?. (Classic Shaving lists one brand, out of several, that fits. Haven't looked at a whole lot of other places.)
    Hey yan,
    The ClassicShaving soaps for scuttles do work well.
    I have several mugs of different types. I usually get regular sized soap for my standard mugs. When the soap gets a little smaller through use, that's when I transfer it to a scuttle. Then I get to try another soap for the mug!

  9. #9
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    I use a few :

    Deep 'traditional' ceramic shaving mug;

    A ceramic Scuttle;

    A shallow wooden mug with a lid,

    and about a dozen of the RubberMaid 'StainShield' containers.

    Love em all, for their own uniqueness!

  10. #10
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    I use whatever is handy. I have a few of the rubbermaid containers that work well, seal tight, don't leak, and won't break.
    Otherwise I have a solid rubber shave mug from Norvabarbersupply that has a little indent in the bottom that perfectly fits a puck of williams soap, as well as an old spice mug, a Burts Bees mug, various cereal bowls, coffee mugs.....NOTHING is SAFE!
    John P

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