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Thread: Brush knot seller search

  1. #21
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Got my knot in the mail today. Did a quick wash and stuck it in the handle. Im going to have to do a little fine tuning of the handle to get the knot down a little more I think.
    Pic with it next to my Shavemac for size comparisons...

    Name:  20190515_015424.jpg
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Got my knot in the mail today. Did a quick wash and stuck it in the handle. Im going to have to do a little fine tuning of the handle to get the knot down a little more I think.
    Pic with it next to my Shavemac for size comparisons...

    Name:  20190515_015424.jpg
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    So I am glad this handle made a good home. I Knew I thought of the right hands for it. It took me some time but if I am correct I think the handle was originally part of a display/promo piece for the Merkur 510 progressive. I picked up this handle alongside this new/Unused 510. With it came a brass replacement adjustment knob Heavier weight. I have not seen (personally) another of these. My semi-educated guess is the handle you are using was a display promotional piece.
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    ScoutHikerDad likes this.

  3. #23
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    The knot was damp when I took the picture last night. Now its dry and the splay looks less but a nice amount. The glue bump inside the knot makes the knot a little wider than my handle by a mm so im going to need to use power tools to widen the top of the opening a little. I believe its a stainless collar so hand sanding is out for fine tuning.

    The handle is hollow but there is a lip between the ss and brass for it to sit on. Going to mainly be a display piece here too. But I will use it now and then. I cant have a brush and not use it once in a while.
    A big thank you to Theoman for sending it to me from across the world.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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