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  1. #1
    Senior Member 111Nathaniel's Avatar
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    Default Replacement of Brissles


    I have a brush that my great grand father owned, it's about 40-60 years old. The brissles are gone and i'm going to try to replace them. Just wondering if anyone has done this? and what method you used/recommend? I'd really like to restore the brush to useable condition again.


  2. #2
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    You sure can replace bristles.

    Cut the remaining bristles off the plug, and then get the plug out. I've used a drill press, but failing that a small chisel may work.

    Once you clean the old plug out, measure the diameter of the hole. Find a knot that you like (try Fountain Pen parts - NIBS, - Wholesale Fountain Pen Ink - Golden Nib AZ, as they have wonderful knots), and buy it. When it get's home, put it in. I've heard of silicone being used, I personally have used JB weld. I roughed up the inside of the whole with the tip of an exacto knife and then let'er rip. Let the JB weld cure for 24 hrs (this is the hardest part!), and then give it a whirl.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Another trick I learned on here, (appologies to the person that posted it, I can't remember who did that) is to use either a Bench Vice or a pair of Vice Grips before cutting the bristles off the old knot.. Somtimes you can crush the old knot right above the edge of the brush, and the whole thing falls out in your hand nice and neat.. Saves a ton of cleanup if it works, if it doesn't then you start cutting and drilling like Maxi already pointed out..
    I haven't restored a ton of brushes maybe 10 and this has worked on about half of them...

    +1 on TGN Knots they have treated me right so far... My goto glue is Marine Epoxy seems apropos
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-15-2012 at 08:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member 111Nathaniel's Avatar
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    Thanks again guys,
    I've already ordered one from the site maxi suggested, very good prices/shipping. I tried crushing it as glen said but had to go ahead and chisel it.

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