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Thread: Brush handle Disaster:(

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    Seriously, if you are going to toss it, let me pay for shipping and send it to me.

    That is truly unique, odd, and somewhat amazing it you think about it.
    Let me finish it off and you can have it,is bored for a short loft TGN,and set for a48mm loft

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  3. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I would finish it out with an old badger knot, take the shine off of it, then Ebay it as the brush that John Dillinger had in his coat pocket the night he walked out of the Biograph Theater.

    Starting Bid: $500.00

  4. #13
    Derp! TonyFranciozi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Whats interesting as it had to get in the tree when it was still growing,no enterance wound that I could see.
    I've heard of trees enveloping whole bricks and looking just fine, until they go through the sawmill and red dust starts spewing out everywhere
    nessmuck likes this.
    Sharpness for a cutting tool could be defined as two surfaces meeting at a line of zero width. - Leonard Lee

  5. #14
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    I have to agree with everyone else, that baby has character! I am jealous, I am going outside and shooting some of my brushes now!

  6. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I would finish it out with an old badger knot, take the shine off of it, then Ebay it as the brush that John Dillinger had in his coat pocket the night he walked out of the Biograph Theater.

    Starting Bid: $500.00
    John my friend,Me thinks you watch to much television
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  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by TonyFranciozi View Post
    I've heard of trees enveloping whole bricks and looking just fine, until they go through the sawmill and red dust starts spewing out everywhere
    I used to make Huge redwood burl tables with root section stands,the best stands were full of rocks,of course thats a root.
    I have not a clue what this lead thing is,It has a dimple in it like it was cupped,it measures to be .22,double ought buck is also .22
    Maybe this is a mini ball from the battle of gettysburg? but the tree is from africa
    If I was still working would take it over to radiology and have it X-rayed.

  8. #17
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I used to make Huge redwood burl tables with root section stands,the best stands were full of rocks,of course thats a root.
    I have not a clue what this lead thing is,It has a dimple in it like it was cupped,it measures to be .22,double ought buck is also .22
    Maybe this is a mini ball from the battle of gettysburg? but the tree is from africa
    If I was still working would take it over to radiology and have it X-rayed.
    It's a good mystery. I'd go with a rifle over a shotgun as it appears to have penetrated deeply...or I suppose it could have been shallow and "grew" in?

    That said, if you saw no outward expression, it would seem that it had to have been overgrown somewhat....right?

    I like it...the only thing I don't like is the lead will oxidize to dark gray/black and become less obvious unless treated somehow.

  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If I had that as a finished shaving brush my story would be that I was shaving when a bullet came out of nowhere and the brush handle saved my bacon .....

    BTW, tobacco pipe makers not infrequently are turning a briar bowl and run into a stone or some such that took up residence in the burl. That is why if they are finishing a smooth piece and run into a flaw they might rusticate it or sandblast rather than try to turn past the defect.
    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 04-28-2013 at 12:27 AM.
    Geezer, Hirlau and IamSt8ght like this.

  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    It's a good mystery. I'd go with a rifle over a shotgun as it appears to have penetrated deeply...or I suppose it could have been shallow and "grew" in?

    That said, if you saw no outward expression, it would seem that it had to have been overgrown somewhat....right?

    I like it...the only thing I don't like is the lead will oxidize to dark gray/black and become less obvious unless treated somehow.
    It was cut with my carbide lathe gouge

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    I am with everyone else. That brush is UNIQUE and has a story to be told with it.
    I would keep it myself if I were doing it!

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