• How to tell Bone from Ivory?

    How to tell Ivory from Bone

    Input from Neil, Pixel, Tim Zowada


    This question has been on my mind for some time... I own several items made out of ivory in my house like a salt spoon and i have bought razors in the past with bone scales... I under stand that Ivory is non porous, and i know that bone sometimes has some type of 'veining' or striations in the material that would not be present in Ivory. I just purchased a J Nore Paris blade with scales i think are Ivory, but i am not sure....
    any ideas how i can tell for sure??? Pics to follow, cant pull out the camera right now as my son is sleeping.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: How to tell Bone from Ivory? started by JoeLowett View original post