Henry Sears & Son #740 Queen 7/8
Pike Hard Arkansas (trans) finish
Wagner Strop Co. Russian Boarhide and flax linen, Heirloom Workshops Old Nš 2 Roughout strops
Grandma's Pure Soap Lye Soap, a few drops of Tangerine oil brushed in to make tangerine scented soap
"P" mug and pottery class lathering bowl (for mixing in tangerine oil)
Gasman's Custom Brush, boar bristle and black ebony
OSMA Alum Bloc
Publix store brand rubbing alcohol with drops of tangerine oil added to make tangerine AS splash

Pike Hard Arkansas (trans) finish
Wagner Strop Co. Russian Boarhide and flax linen, Heirloom Workshops Old Nš 2 Roughout strops
Grandma's Pure Soap Lye Soap, a few drops of Tangerine oil brushed in to make tangerine scented soap
"P" mug and pottery class lathering bowl (for mixing in tangerine oil)
Gasman's Custom Brush, boar bristle and black ebony
OSMA Alum Bloc
Publix store brand rubbing alcohol with drops of tangerine oil added to make tangerine AS splash