• Sat July 31st

    A Trans-Atlantic... Razor!

    Ok... for my first Custom, I wanted to exaggerate!��

    Born from the collaboration of Bruno van Dooren (Snailforge) and Glen Mercurio (Gemstar Custom Razors) - it is part of a group of 6 blades forged by Bruno and finished, polished and handled by Glen. I wanted mine with blond horn and brass washers/pins.

    It took 3 months to arrive from Idaho (thanks to USPS + Italian Post service) ... but in the end, it got @home and delivered a veeeeery smooth shave!

    Razor: 7/8 "- 1/2 hollow - W2 Carbon Steel

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Sun July 24th - Sat July 31st started by markbignosekelly View original post