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Thread: The Functional Fingernail.

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Default What?

    Wow! The things that are discussed here. Lol. Not to say that the idea doesn't intrigue me its just that I would have never thought I would see that here. Great post!
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  2. #12
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Okay, about flossing. The many times I tried using it (waxed or unwaxed), it never EVER got the food out of my teeth! Sometimes it won't even get between some teeth. Add the fact that "because my gums weren't used to it", it made my teeth red with blood: it just wasn't worth it. I have a lot of dexterity in my hands/fingers, and I can use the corner of the nail to pluck food from between the gum line even on sets of teeth that touch (preventing flossing) with ease. Plus, who likes carrying floss everywhere they go?

    As for when I work: my "usual" nail lengths are rarely a problem. Mostly what gets under them are bread dough & ingredients, which wash out easily. And keeping them longer, at least a little, than 1/16" actually acts as a bit of fingertip armor. A necessary attribute when one is generally unapologetically harsh to their extremities, like I am .
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    Okay, about flossing. The many times I tried using it (waxed or unwaxed), it never EVER got the food out of my teeth! Sometimes it won't even get between some teeth. Add the fact that "because my gums weren't used to it", it made my teeth red with blood: it just wasn't worth it. I have a lot of dexterity in my hands/fingers, and I can use the corner of the nail to pluck food from between the gum line even on sets of teeth that touch (preventing flossing) with ease. Plus, who likes carrying floss everywhere they go?

    As for when I work: my "usual" nail lengths are rarely a problem. Mostly what gets under them are bread dough & ingredients, which wash out easily. And keeping them longer, at least a little, than 1/16" actually acts as a bit of fingertip armor. A necessary attribute when one is generally unapologetically harsh to their extremities, like I am .
    Take a tip from us older fellas. if you want to keep your teeth start flossing. Usually you can get away without doing it until you reach around age 40 or maybe earlier and then you start seeing blood when you brush and if you do nothing about it that's when you start losing teeth. No matter how tight your teeth are you can floss and if it doesn't do the job it means you're not doing it right (just like honing).
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Crawler, did you blur your fingerprints as a means of identity theft prevention?
    Hirlau, Phrank and Crawler like this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    For your dental health, at least take the initial step of a Sonic care toothbrush. After using that for a while, flossing will not be a problematic event.
    The easy road is rarely rewarding.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Never had health care/insurance until my current job. But boy o' boy is it good stuff! So the first 26~ish years of my life, mostly with a mom that couldn't care less, relied on my good genes. Though not brushing at a dentist recommended rate, I use good tooth paste & mouthwash. Several large chunks of plaque have already come off, and gum swelling is down as well. A dentist appointment will be made once my new bid at work kicks in & I finally get a fixed schedule after 3yrs of being vacation relief.

    And Mr. Utopian: and I quote, "It's only 'being paranoid' if your wrong!"
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

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