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  1. #1
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    Default do you think we will have a new Waco over this

    This fellow is fighting the IRS and say's he'll go down like waco before surrendering. Whats your opion of this?

  2. #2
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    No. For one thing, the scale is off by nearly two orders of magnitude. That's one heck of a big difference. Gadzooks, I'm really spending way too much time in the off-topic forum.

  3. #3
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Default nope


    Just pay your damn taxes.

    I'm ultra conservative and
    (with the exception of being somewhat of an enviromentalist)
    so far to the right I can't even see the Republicans from where I stand, but even I can't come up with a good argument against taxes.

    I say they pay or go quietly.

    More on Waco when I have more time.

  4. #4
    Senior Member sstulken80's Avatar
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    This isn't even a liberal vs conservative debate (ack, I hate those terms) -- it's about having a basic understanding of the laws of your country. I hope this couple doesn't inspire anybody else...
    Last edited by sstulken80; 04-27-2007 at 02:52 AM. Reason: i liek speling gud

  5. #5
    Senior Member Lancer's Avatar
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    Bring on the kevlar and tear gas...

  6. #6
    Senior Member BrianB's Avatar
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    This is just another reason drugs are bad for you...
    It's like not putting gas in your car because you don't feel your car ought to run on gas. Put their silly bums in a jail cell, no visitations, make them work to earn what they owe and work until they've payed everything off. Ugh. I pay taxes - social security in particular - that I'll probably never see a penny of again. I don't complain. I do my part, you do yours, we move along.

  7. #7
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    It's turning out to be bigger than those two. There has been a huge movement since Joe Banister and IRS agent quit the IRS and is holding seminars and schools taxes saying it is unlawful for the irs to collect income tax. Arron Ruso also made a new film called freedom to facism that has some truly compelling arguments.
    Because of this many people are now flocking to New Hampshire at this fellows place with all the guns and ammo they can carry determined that it's there patriotic duty to stand up and are hoping for a big televised fight like waco.
    It will be interesting to see how the goverment reacts and how many people are just saying they will fight to the end and how many will actually do it. I just hope cooler heads prevail and New Hampshire dosn't have to go through what Texas did in Waco.

  8. #8
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyseymour View Post
    It's turning out to be bigger than those two. There has been a huge movement since Joe Banister and IRS agent quit the IRS and is holding seminars and schools taxes saying it is unlawful for the irs to collect income tax.

    That was what I meant.

    I'm a wingnut and still pay taxes.

  9. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Interesting remarks from GW earlier.

    A friend of mine calls himself a true republican, and he claims that Bush and co. are not republicans. They pretend to be to get the votes. He said that real conservatives dislike bush as much as democrats do.

    the 2008 elections will be very interesting indeed. Or rather, the preelections. It's a shame that there can be only 1 rep and 1 dem in the final elections.
    I think if you are going to have a president, use the French voting system, where the elections have to end with a >51% vote for one candidate. If that is not achieved in the first round, then the 2 candidates with the most votes face each other in a final round.

    That way, there could be multiple candidates for each party.

    Another change for the good would be (IMO) if the electoral vote for a state got divided proportionally with the public vote for that state.

    This is just an outsiders idea about it obviously.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Interesting remarks from GW earlier.

    A friend of mine calls himself a true republican, and he claims that Bush and co. are not republicans. They pretend to be to get the votes. He said that real conservatives dislike bush as much as democrats do.
    I was a republican until bush as well. I grew up in a religous community of only 300 people where there was nothing but god. And I find bush scarry. He is not a republican but a neo-con in republican clothing. Hillary isn't a democrat but a liberal in democrat clothing. There are now only two parties the liberal and the neo-cons. The democrats and republicans have lost there parties all together. I would love to see the democrats kick the liberals out and force them to make there own liberal party, for the republicans to kick the neo-cons out and make there own party so people who still insist on voting strictly for the party would know who they vote for and the consequences of it. It's rather sickening to see republicans who don't agree with bush still towing the line because they fear for there positions. We have become a nation of cowards and unfortunatly will pay dearly to get our country back if we ever get it back.

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