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  1. #31
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    I have to ask, you anyone here actually feel like a true man if their woman did not rely upon them? I don't think I would. I am the bread winner in my marriage, and my wife is the light bearer. She rears the children, cleans the house, cooks the meals (some times by takeout). I bring home the paycheck and fix things around the house and cars, and play with my girls. If my woman did not rely upon me as the bread winner, come to me for advice, and generally rely upon me, I don't think that I would feel like a true man, or the head of the houshold.

    Instead of looking down upon the fact that your women come to you for advice, look at it as a complement, and that they want a true man to be the leader of the family.

    Just my two cents, and that is about what it is worth to some.


  2. #32
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    I have to ask, you anyone here actually feel like a true man if their woman did not rely upon them? I don't think I would. I am the bread winner in my marriage, and my wife is the light bearer. She rears the children, cleans the house, cooks the meals (some times by takeout). I bring home the paycheck and fix things around the house and cars, and play with my girls. If my woman did not rely upon me as the bread winner, come to me for advice, and generally rely upon me, I don't think that I would feel like a true man, or the head of the houshold.

    Instead of looking down upon the fact that your women come to you for advice, look at it as a complement, and that they want a true man to be the leader of the family.

    Just my two cents, and that is about what it is worth to some.


  3. #33
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    Instead of looking down upon the fact that your women come to you for advice, look at it as a complement, and that they want a true man to be the leader of the family.

    Oh look, he has the same attitude as my wife !

    Of course if she took the advice instead of out and out telling me my answer was wrong(even though she doesn't know the real answer herself) it wouldn't be so bad.

    I suppose part of the problem is that my whole life I have been they guy standing just outside the circle of people who are trying to figure something out, trying to give them the solution to their problem, but they won't listen.

    I've gotten to the point that with most people I don't care if they listen or not.
    Sometimes it's fun to watch if they don't.

    With my family it's different.
    I want her to learn for herself in certain areas because experience is the best teacher.
    I want her to be able to take care of herself, and my daughter.

    The last time she was by herself she got duped into a fake marriage, paid a guy about 15K and then he divorced her, was living with some people who claimed to be her friends but were using her as a slave (they also arranged th marriage) and kept a bunch of her immigration documents when she left, and was then befriended by and old man who was actually sort of helping her and got her an apartment but I suspect had other motives
    ( most women are raped by someone they know in familiar surroundings (apartment he helped her get??) and a illegal immigrant is very unlikely to go to the police)

    Problem is she isn't independent enough to be independent and she is too proud to listen to advice.

  • #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    ...Problem is she isn't independent enough to be independent and she is too proud to listen to advice.
    ....and is married to a guy with a short fuse???



  • #35
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    G W , think about this!
    A woman will only look down upon her man if she knows she can get under his skin!
    In other words, she knows that she has the power!
    My advice to you, if you care to here it, don't let her get under your skin!! In fact, don't let any situation get under your skin. Be patient but firm. once you loose your cool you are no longer in control of yourself and are literally handing the reins of control to someone else.

    Take my advice with a grain of salt.
    Mark Avery
    That's good advice in all things human ---hard to do sometimes but spot on. Rage or anger isn't power or confidence (I don't know if I learned that from Dr. Phil or the Dog Whisperer --doesn't matter). Confidence and true strength are gentle and smooth but unalterable --- not spasmatic and explosive --- watch a person who is good around dogs and you'll find someone naturally good around people ---they just have a presence about them and are understood intuitively. The last time I check women are people too (maybe not) but I think they have a natural (even more refined) ability to measure confidence and gravitate towards it ---

    Last edited by jaegerhund; 05-17-2007 at 08:12 PM.

  • #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post

    The last time she was by herself she got duped into a fake marriage, paid a guy about 15K and then he divorced her, was living with some people who claimed to be her friends but were using her as a slave (they also arranged th marriage) and kept a bunch of her immigration documents when she left, and was then befriended by and old man who was actually sort of helping her and got her an apartment but I suspect had other motives
    ( most women are raped by someone they know in familiar surroundings (apartment he helped her get??) and a illegal immigrant is very unlikely to go to the police)

    Problem is she isn't independent enough to be independent and she is too proud to listen to advice.
    Man the more you reveal the more I think few people here or anywhere can relate to your situation ---seems very complex.


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    I don't get the connection of my response to the video you posted. Are you equating me to King of the Hill? Also, I did not know that this was going to be a thread where we eventually attack eachother. You wanted opinions on the workings of women, and I gave my two cents.


  • #38
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    That's good advice in all things human ---hard to do sometimes but spot on. Rage or anger isn't power or confidence (I don't know if I learned that from Dr. Phil or the Dog Whisperer --doesn't matter). Confidence and true strength are gentle and smooth but unalterable --- not spasmatic and explosive --- watch a person who is good around dogs and you'll find someone naturally good around people ---they just have a presence about them and are understood intuitively. The last time I check women are people too (maybe not) but I think they have a natural (even more refined) ability to measure confidence and gravitate towards it ---

    That's Caesar Milan...I think, But I don't watch Dr. Phil.

  • #39
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post

    I don't get the connection of my response to the video you posted. Are you equating me to King of the Hill? Also, I did not know that this was going to be a thread where we eventually attack each other. You wanted opinions on the workings of women, and I gave my two cents.

    No no, I was sayin that Kahn has the same snobby attitude and tone of voice as the wife.

    Not you mhailey. That wasn't directed at you.

    Lou, I'm about as mellow as they get.

    I don't know where everyone got the idea that I'm this angry sort of guy who goes to bars just to start fights.

    Maybe because some of my posts voice strong beliefs or intolerance of other peoples thoughts or ways of life?

    You know, most times it is possible to have a different view point without being an ass about it(unless you're a Democrat).

    I had a short fuse once. Used to get mad at work and throw my hammer or whatever.
    Once it landed in a big patch of pickers. That was a life changing experience.
    Now I only get angry on the inside, but you don't see it.

    I think I'm getting an ulcer.

  • #40
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    GW --- nobody knows anyone here very well -----all we can gather is from the tone of the posts ----but keep talking and will get a better feel for things .

    These relationship things are difficult and nobody is an expert ---- good luck there buddy.


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