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Thread: President of the US of A

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I think history has demonstrated when really rich business types get elected president they fill all the positions with guys like them and the administration is for like people. Anyone who thinks Trump is the "people's candidate" is probably walking around with a huge fish hook in their mouths.
    Not just those in favor of trump, all of us are. None of the candidates deserve a vote in my mind, but we have to choose the lesser of two evils. It's a no brainer to me, when given the two options this go around. Clinton may not be a billionaire, but she hasn't been lacking in the financial department for a very long time. Then there's the fact that her lies happened under oath, and directly resulted in the loss of American lives. It actually makes me sick that people support her.
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  2. #152
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    Are we really comparing trump to hitler, or am I misunderstanding what has been said? Trump is doing what every politician, ever, has done. Say what needs to be said to get elected, then do whatever. Trump is not a politician, he's a businessman. I'm no expert on his past, and upbringing, but I need to look into that because I don't think it lines up with what's been said here. Unlike most politicians, he doesn't care about special interest groups and lobbyists. He doesn't need money, and he most certainly isn't going to spend it on the BS our current poor excuse for a president spends it on. I don't think I agree with much of what he says, but I'm a realist. Trump vs hillary, I'll take trump every time. The perfect outcome in my mind is they both win the nomination, then hillary gets indicted by Congress and a) life in prison or b) death penalty. Either would suffice for her crimes against the US.
    No we are not comparing Trump directly with Hitler per se but rather the socioeconomic circumstances that allow a person like Trump to become idolized by a large group of people. He too is smart enough to say what people want to hear. If/when he does get elected the old guard may not be able to control him either. There definitely are similarities and I hope it would stop there. Not hard to understand the why of his success. No, Hilter was not a left wing Socialist but a right wing Facist or he might have got along better Russia than he did. I guess it depends on how far to the right you think Trump is or isn't. Yes, Trump is a politician and best case scenario if he wins is nothing really changes and a lot of people will have egg on their faces but what's new that happens every election when nothing really changes.

    Worst case is that he really is like he talks and has easy access to the big red button. That maybe what makes some people nervous or not.

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  3. #153
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    Ok i can see the sense in that. I think the large majority of his followers (I'm not one) are just content with a president that is not a lifelong politician. There's one thing no one can detest, he knows how to make money. Last time I checked were only 19 trillion in debt...

  4. #154
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    Ok i can see the sense in that. I think the large majority of his followers (I'm not one) are just content with a president that is not a lifelong politician. There's one thing no one can detest, he knows how to make money. Last time I checked were only 19 trillion in debt...
    Well, I would go along with Spenders comments on how he made his fortune. I guess he knows how to make money and loose it too. How many times has he gone bankrupt? Might be worth a little research into his history and finances. No matter what happens the next bunch of months will being interesting and a bit unnerving until the fat lady sings and there is a final outcome. Buckle up and enjoy the ride or not. Me, I think I will be on a popcorn diet while this show is on.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #155
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    For me i will probably vote for Trump. I do believe that for the most part the professional politicians are crooks. The political elite who are not held accountable for what they do. Clinton for instance. you choose which one or both. For me i believe Obama is the worse thing that ever happened to the US and in the long run the world. Each to his or her own opinion. This is mine.
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  6. #156
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    And do you believe Obama didn't fill positions with his cronies, or that Hillary won't? Come on now that's what politicians do, and Hillary ,, never mind, she's a criminal and responsible for her actions, so if elected this country has taken a far jump off a cliff. At some point in time we need to hold these people accountable and make them live by the same rules that they shove down our throats,, trump is a whack job, but far more desirable than big government socialists like Hillary. And just for everyone's info trump has been bankrupt several times. And like any good business man he came out and satisfied his investors. Unlike politicians who never satisfy the debts they build,, as in 19 trillion , that's a debt that just keeps going, so we are all in trouble , a nut job and another politician that wants spend to get out of debt. Just remember for the government to give something to one person who hasn't earned it, they must forcibly take it from someone who has earned it,, lord help us all. Tc
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  7. #157
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    No, Hilter was not a left wing Socialist but a right wing Facist or he might have got along better Russia than he did. I guess it depends on how far to the right you think Trump is or isn't.
    Not to derail this conversation with a debate over Hitler, but the notion that he was right wing is a myth. He had far more in common with the communists than he did with any capitalist. His sense of nationalism is about all that separated the two.
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  8. #158
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    So if Trump wins will he be reigned in?
    If that happens it'll probably be the ultimate reality show. If recent history is a guide I think we should expect at least some of the following:
    - repeal of Obamacare
    - lowering the top tax brackets and repealing various credits and exemptions at the bottom
    - some fights over protectionist tariffs, but perhaps not much taking effect
    - perhaps another attempt at privatizing Social Security and/or Medicare or in some way decreasing the benefits
    - government shutdown(s)
    - frequent changes in leadership (yes, 'You are fired!!!!' is back and better than ever)
    - a whole new level of trash talk, that would bring fond memories of the tender innocence of the 'small hands' era of the primaries
    - a big shiny wall with the following extras:
    -- a golden sign on top
    -- an electric fence
    -- alligators
    -- a Godfather's pizza
    -- a price tag of 9-9-9 (pesos)
    - bunga-bunga parties (Silvio has terrific plans for them)
    - a turnover or two in the position of the first lady?
    - ......
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  9. #159
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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  10. #160
    Senior Member Hacker7's Avatar
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    I think like others here have said that nobody gets what is happening. We are in the beginning of a revolution. Trump is just the conduit. Average Joe feels like the gov't is out of control. On both sides people are angry with gov't. Trump could be anyone,that's why nothing sticks to him. The People want change on both sides. Think about it, a socialist running in the U.S. and getting votes. A lot has to change but lets start. Trump has to be who he is for this to happen. He is self funding. Nobody else could pull this off because the GOP would have shut him down. Now he is a runaway train. He may still be stopped but the people have spoken. As usual nobody hears us. Prodigy please excuse my grammar. I'm one of the uneducated that supports Trump. Or anyone but Clinton.
    ScottGoodman and rhensley like this.

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