5 Attachment(s)
The Continuing Saga of The Dork Ass and his 'Handyman/The Jerk'
As I posted here: http://straightrazorpalace.com/conve...ml#post1765890
My Landlord is a Dork Ass and his 'Handyman' is a total inept jerk. Today is the Big Day when I finally get a new wall mounted air conditioner (I have been without since the 11th of August).
I'd per-prepped by moving items directly in the way and covering things with canvas drop cloths as I knew that they wouldn't be taking any care.
Here's the handyman's rig:
Attachment 272216
SO! The handyman started to pry the trim off with a screwdriver so I stopped him and gave him a flat pry bar. Once the trim was removed they found the foam insulation and I had to loan him a key hole saw to cut through it. Then he tried to just wiggle the unit loose from the shell and I had to tell him that it was screwed to the shell (I'd replaced the last unit myself/but not this time/I really didn't want to mess with it /plus I'd charged the landlord $100 for my labor and I think he thought he could get by cheaper with this handyman) anyway he finally got the unit out and found that the shell was also screwed into place and he removed them (or so he thought) after prying and bending the hell out of the shell I pointed out that there were two more screws that needed to be removed.
So the old was out and ready install the new-------------but the new one was slightly wider than the old (about 3/16th of an inch) the new one was also about a little shorter then the old one so what do you do? :shrug: Well you take the shell off of the new unit and force it into the too small of an opening using MY pry bar/and then using brute force and ignorance you try to force the unit into the shell/Again with MY pry bar/thus bending the shell and the new unit.. Then after the jerk had been working on it for about 1/2 an hour my landlord said he'd be back with a sander to make the opening wide enough.
Well the jerk went outside for a smoke and I dialed 911-Tool Rental Place. After my question was answered I walked out and said: "You know, for $10.50 plus tax and buying a blade you can rent a Sawzall for 4 hours. The Jerk said he'd just go to Harbor Freight and buy one.
The landlord arrived with a palm sander with 120 grit sandpaper. Then the Jerk arrived with his new sazall and some blades/but in the meantime I'd seen that there appeared to be a scab piece or shim being held in with two small brads so after much effort I got the handyman to pull the brads and the piece came loose so I used my table top belt sander and sanded it down so the unit would install with a very slight resistance.
While I was sanding the handyman was cutting the siding back. The unit was installed but needed a shim/spacer for the gap at the top. The handyman tried driving a piece of 2x4 in as the spacer and I made him stop. After some measurements I cobbled together a spacer that would fill the gap and allow the unit to have a slight downward taper toward the outside so the condensation would drain away from the inside wall.
Attachment 272217
So with my help (but Not the Way I'd Have Done It and not the result I'm happy with/the unit is installed but the task isn't finished.
The landlord says that he'll be back to put some trim up on the inside. Which will be fine (if he does a decent job of it) However the jerk reinstalled the outside trim (well kind of)----------- so how in the hell is the expanding foam supposed to be applied?? (The landlord already has it here) :banghead:
Attachment 272225
Oh!!!! Here's the outside trim:
Attachment 272226
The jerk also didn't remove the cover and had used his hands to pound the unit in place/thus breaking the cover.
Attachment 272231
My landlord is also supposed to arrive with some braces to support the unit--I'll bet a dollar to a dog turd that it'll just be a continuation of this cluster------
As the Old Saying Goes: "You get what you pay for"! :banghead: