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Thread: Venting :(

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Default Venting :(

    I just need to vent lol! As most of you know after my long shoulder recovery I just ruptured my pec muscle and although my tendon seems in tact the muscle seems to be growing back pretty badly deformed. I am told there really isnt much of a surgery available as my surgeon who is the head of University of Pennsylvania's shoulder reconstruction department said that sewing two pieces of muscle together is like trying to sew two pieces of shit together, it just doesnt work. While my chest may heal it most certainly wont look right, which I can live with, but it also seems as though my sport and weightlifting career as well as my odd jobs that require physical strength may have come to an abrupt end. I have a follow up appointment on Friday, so I have a few breaths of hope left, but they are fading fast. I think I can go back to my day job soon, unless I need surgery AGAIN, in which case my surgeon said he would give me a frequent buyer card and my life will suck for about 6 - 12 months lol.

    I am trying to remain in high spirits, but its pretty hard. Anyway you all know that I dont mope around looking for pitty and attention (or at least I hope you do), but I just needed to get it off my chest as my wife and friends keep saying "well you are getting older and you push yourself to hard"...but that is what I do, always has been and until Im dead I assume it always will be.

    On the bright side, my chest and arm are no longer black and purple from the blood drainage, I am off all of the pain killers and I can move my arm enough shave again, and my wife has been shaving and bathing me in the meantime (which has been pretty enjoyable). I am 28, it is really depressing when Doctors and family tell me I am getting old, I feel like I have just really started life....ohwell...what do I know.
    Last edited by JLStorm; 06-10-2007 at 10:42 PM.

  2. #2
    The triple smoker
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    Dang, Josh. I didn't realize that you were such a young pup. At least you can shave again. I think you'll just have to get used to having some constant pain. I didn't achieve that state until I hit forty. Kinda sucks for you to get there so early. Hang in there, bro. We're all in this together.


  3. #3
    Look Ma, I gots me a custom title! Doc4's Avatar
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    Vent away!

    I've got ten years on you, and I know all about the "you're getting old" refrain you hear from other people. Sometimes it seems like an invite to the rocking chair on the front porch! If you stay in shape you still have decades of great athletic ability ahead of you. But you are soon to start on the slow slide downhill, so you need to remember my 4 golden rules:
    1. your body can get injured more easily now than before.
    2. your body recovers from injuries slower now than before.
    3. you need to spend more time to keep your body at it's physical peak.
    4. you can still give 'er.

  4. #4
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Damn Josh, that sucks! Let's just hope for the best. I'm almost 27 now and I can still rollerblade circles around the 16-17 year old.....but still they keep telling me I'm getting "older". Just ignore stuff like that.

    Although it can be annoying.

  5. #5
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Dannnnnggg... I hope you get well soon. Try to ease up a bit and gradually raise the level of exercise back up.

  6. #6
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    Didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger rupture his pec one year, opt not to have surgery, and still come back to top form? Granted. we're talking about a different person in different circumstances, but I like to think that in the long term setbacks are just that - setbacks.

    Of course, that's easy for me to say until I get a running injury and mope around, since I don't get to do what I enjoy each morning. Keep your head up all the same!

  7. #7
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tfaust View Post
    Didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger rupture his pec one year, opt not to have surgery, and still come back to top form? Granted. we're talking about a different person in different circumstances, but I like to think that in the long term setbacks are just that - setbacks.

    Of course, that's easy for me to say until I get a running injury and mope around, since I don't get to do what I enjoy each morning. Keep your head up all the same!
    Was that during his bodybuiling career? Steroids were still legal then, and Arnie admitted taking them if memory serves me well.
    That might also have to do with his recovery.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Was that during his bodybuiling career? Steroids were still legal then, and Arnie admitted taking them if memory serves me well.
    That might also have to do with his recovery.
    That is probably true, but I'm not sure whether not taking steroids would have prevented his recovery, or just prolonged his recuperation time.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tfaust View Post
    That is probably true, but I'm not sure whether not taking steroids would have prevented his recovery, or just prolonged his recuperation time.
    They would have helped the muscle grow back stronger and more quickly for sure. I dont know if that would make a difference in how or where the muscle grew back though. It seems to go both ways, if I have a slightly deformed muscle thats fine, almost like a battle scar, its not being able to use it as it was meant to be used that worries me...ohwell, I should find out on friday.

  10. #10
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Wishing you a speedy recovery. I am 53 and I found that after 30 things just didn't work or heal like they used to. Don't wory about what you can't change.
    Secondly I remember pictures of your wife I would play it up much longer to keep her washing you.. It could lead to a fun time...

    Shit vent all you want its good to hear someone other than my wife complaining .

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