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  1. #41
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Still haven't fixed SWF and I'm so pissed off that I'm backing stuff up cause I'm gonna reformat. I had a IBM IT guy try for 20 mins the other day and couldn't fix it.

    How bout that Linux cd there Lou??

    Belgians with balls.
    This guy flew in the Belgian air force in WW2.

    linked to avoid adult content.

    and now, here it is folks...... your moment of Zen.

  2. #42
    Neither here nor there plor's Avatar
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  3. #43
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    You have to be a stinkin commie to not like this one.

    And now, here it is folks..... your moment of Zen.

    btw X, the similarity I saw between the FMJ clip and the bombing was summed up best by Kubrick himself when asked why he used "The Short Timers" as a basis for his movie he replied
    " It was neither pro war or anti war, held no moral or political position, it's just the way things are".

    I find that both clips, even though one was contrived, show a underlying tendency, perhaps even a predisposition to killing.
    Man may think that he has reasoned himself clear of his animal instincts.
    It is all to clear however that when given the opportunity to kill without having to answer the questions that society would normally have us consider when committing such and act, he generally will.
    Men will often try to think themselves clear of a threat instead of acting, even when action is justified.
    I think this is much of the problem we are encountering now as humans (some) get farther away from the struggle to stay alive.
    I read your thing on "Humanism" and couldn't help but think of a certain Seinfeld episode, no really, I saw where you talked about helping remove people from the struggle for survival.

    I believe people need hardship in their lives as it brings perspective.
    If you have no idea how hard life can suck, then even trivial things can be a major issue.
    I have this problem with my wife. Even though she was raised in a third world country, she had (for where she was) a very high standard of living. (nice clothes, a scooter, school mayor, wealthy (it's relative) parents, beauty pageants, college)

    I on the other hand was beaten regularly, wore the same clothes most of the time, would take a week long "camping trip" alone when things flared up at home, and eventually ended up "aging out" of the foster care system.

    So compared to the rest of my life, I'm doing pretty good now.
    She sees herself as having been better off in the Philippines.
    Perspective man, perspective.

    Also, I don't mind if the bottom of the post goes off topic, but I would like you to post a video link along with it at the top so people have something other than our cerebral jibber-jabber to look at.
    That's all I ask, post a funny video with whatever you have to say in order to keep the spirit of the thread alive.
    Last edited by gratewhitehuntr; 07-24-2007 at 06:56 PM.

  • #44
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Here's another moment, combining beer and shooting. No beers were actually hurt in filming this... beers don't feel pain dummies!

    OK, GW. I'll bite. Yours is an interesting perspective and well-documented. There may well be something to be said for not allowing oneself to become too 'soft'. As you say "I believe people need hardship in their lives as it brings perspective." I can kind of relate to that. Kind of.

    However, I think there's a line to be drawn with this philosophy. I mean, how much should one believe people need hardship? For example, if someone has negligible hardship, should we go as far as meting out some hardship to them? You know, just to even things up, put things into perspective?

    The Iraq clip showed how brutal life can be, and how others vicariously remind themselves of how lucky they are by watching clips like that. Maybe. But Kubrick was smart enough to leave us thinking on that point when at the end of that scene the soldier looks up at the reporters and says "Ain't war hell?"

  • #45
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    In the process of backing stuff up and partitioning my hard drive to run Linux.
    My wife has the bad habit of uploading 300 MB of pics and then not erasing the camera so the next time they get uploaded again along with the new pics.
    Of course they get a different name and windows won't recognize them as doubles (I've found 5 or 7 of the same picture).
    I've gotten rid of 6 gigs of pics in the last couple of days and 3 gigs of video.

    Whore semen (you'll see)

    And now, here it is folks.... your moment of Zen.

    Whore Semen

  • #46
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Not Funny, but Fun!

    I agree with Mark in that you have exposed your opinion succinctly and clearly and in such a manner as to avoid misinterpretation.

    That one MUST suffer to achieve or to be strong is crap. I know this keenly. As artists we are often told we must suffer for our art. It's hogwash. Many artists have achieved great things from great prosperity. One of the greatest works of art I have ever seen, the golden death mask of Tutankhamun, was undoubtedly created by a trusted and very well off royal metal worker, with access to so much riches and no need for any more for himself. This is arguably the most importal and most priceless piece of art in the world.

    I don't believe the Bush's suffer and they do well enough. They sell you on your need to suffer to keep you satisfied with being down. It cuts both ways. The same is true for the likes of George Clooney, nephew to the famed Rosemary Clooney. Both achieve through position and contacts.

    Employing only selective thinking I too could come up with examples to support my world view, but I find it more enlightening to view my surrounding from a place of neutrality and hypothesize from that.

    That there is suffering and will likely always be suffering is indisputable. We differ on how much is "necessary". We also differ on perception somewhat. I do not say there is suffering because it is needed, but because it is there.

    Tao Te Ching - Chapter 13

    Accept disgrace willingly.
    Accept misfortune as the human condition.

    What do you mean by "Accept disgrace willingly"?
    Accept being unimportant.
    Do not be concerned with loss and gain.
    This is called "accepting disgrace willingly."

    What do you mean by "Accept misfortune as the human condition"?
    Misfortune comes from having a body.
    Without a body, how could there be misfortune?

    Surrender yourself humbly; then you can be trusted to care for all things.
    Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things.

    ~ Lao Tzu

  • #47
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post

    I agree with Mark in that you have exposed your opinion succinctly and clearly and in such a manner as to avoid misinterpretation.

    That one MUST suffer to achieve or to be strong is crap. I know this keenly. As artists we are often told we must suffer for our art. It's hogwash. Many artists have achieved great things from great prosperity. One of the greatest works of art I have ever seen, the golden death mask of Tutankhamun, was undoubtedly created by a trusted and very well off royal metal worker, with access to so much riches and no need for any more for himself. This is arguably the most importal and most priceless piece of art in the world.

    I don't believe the Bush's suffer and they do well enough. They sell you on your need to suffer to keep you satisfied with being down. It cuts both ways. The same is true for the likes of George Clooney, nephew to the famed Rosemary Clooney. Both achieve through position and contacts.

    Employing only selective thinking I too could come up with examples to support my world view, but I find it more enlightening to view my surrounding from a place of neutrality and hypothesize from that.

    That there is suffering and will likely always be suffering is indisputable. We differ on how much is "necessary". We also differ on perception somewhat. I do not say there is suffering because it is needed, but because it is there.

    Good grief, X!....Do you REALLY think you're as smart as you THINK you are??? Cause, if you DO, well,'ve been thinking too much!

    ...what a pile of horse-pucky!



    EDIT: I just put you in my Iggy-box. I highly recomend that you do the same to me. We're just going to end up pissing each other off.

    ....oops!....too late!
    Last edited by scarface; 07-26-2007 at 05:10 AM.
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  • #48
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Linked to avoid adult content.

    911.... please hold

    And now, here it is..... your moment of Zen.

    Sheesh... where to start??

    Lou, you didn't post a video link.
    Like I said, whatever comes after the link, I don't care as long as there is a link.

    Also, since X decided he needed a dead guy to help him make his point, maybe you should have done the same.
    I like Cicero. Consider these quotes.

    "Even if you have nothing to write, write and say so." Marcus Cicero
    " I prefer tongue-tied knowledge to ignorant loquacity. " Marcus Cicero
    " O wretched man, wretched not just because of what you are, but also because you do not know how wretched you are! " Marcus Cicero

    Even if he is a little out there, X still makes valid points... sometimes.
    I read and consider everything he posts, even if I do end up deciding it's crap....sometimes.
    When you close your mind you become truly ignorant.

    ok.. X, it's just a mask.
    Sure it's pretty, and I love lapis, but we have no idea what sort of person the smith was. think I was misunderstood anyways.

    I meant from the standpoint of the development of personality, or knowledge, maybe someone can give me a better word here? My thesuarus is still packed in a box somewhere.

    George Bush was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
    I don't know if he is a good person or not. I know he isn't the brightest, but that tells me nothing of his personality.

    Ive never payed the least bit of attention to ANYONE from Hollywood.
    They don't matter in my life.

    I'll be back with more in a few.

  • #49
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Here it is ... my reqisie moment of Zen

    ... its antithesis

    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    Sure it's pretty, and I love lapis, but we have no idea what sort of person the smith was.
    We do know that such craftsmen were well respected and richly paid. Some of their names have even endured.

    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    I meant from the standpoint of the development of personality, or knowledge, maybe someone can give me a better word here? My thesuarus is still packed in a box somewhere.
    I'll give you that some people will respond well and be strengthened by their suffering, but others will wither. Similarly, some will grow strong with guidance alone. I think we might be getting back to perspective again. One man's suffering may be another's daily routine.

    Tao Te Ching - Chapter 13

    Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
    All can know good as good only because there is evil.
    Therefore having and not having arise together.
    Difficult and easy compliment each other.
    Long and short contrast each other;
    High and low rest upon each other;
    Voice and sound harmonise each other;
    Front and back follow one another.
    Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing, teaching no-talking;
    The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease.
    They come from nowhere and to nowhere they return.
    Creating, yet not possessing.
    Working, yet not taking credit.
    Work is done, then forgotten.
    Therfore it lasts forever.

    ~ Lao Tzu
    To be clear. The presupposition is that there is a state, (called Heaven but not an after-life), in which one doesn’t judge the world and split it into beauty, ugliness, good and evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by scarface View Post
    Good grief, X!....Do you REALLY think you're as smart as you THINK you are???
    Uh oh. Trick question. What's the right answer. Since it doesn't matter how smart (ego) or stupid (modesty) I think I am, just that I think I'm smart ... hm My intellect has nothing to do with how smart I actually am or am not ...
    I'm gonna go with, NO. I don't think I'm as smart as I think I am, but I do keep trying.

    Quote Originally Posted by scarface View Post
    Cause, if you DO, well,'ve been thinking too much!
    You could very well be right on that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by scarface View Post
    EDIT: I just put you in my Iggy-box. I highly recomend that you do the same to me. We're just going to end up pissing each other off.

    ....oops!....too late!
    That was sudden. We've never even disagreed before. Please tell me you're not serious. I know you're a big kidder and we're just discussing here. You're having me on right? Why would I 'IG' box you? You've never even irritated me.

    Last edited by xman; 07-27-2007 at 05:05 AM.

  • #50
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    loader endo

    and now, here it is.... your moment of Zen.

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