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  1. #11
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murph View Post
    Protective gear, we Brits don't use no steenking protective gear even when we play full contact sports.
    Question: In full contact sports like rugby, aren't most tackles made from the side or leg tackles? Do you ever see head to head frontal tackles like you see when a running back goes up the middle and a linebacker squares off against him? Also what is the normal size of a professional rugby player? A while back I watched a game and they all seemed to be pretty good specimens.


  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    Question: In full contact sports like rugby, aren't most tackles made from the side or leg tackles? Do you ever see head to head frontal tackles like you see when a running back goes up the middle and a linebacker squares off against him? Also what is the normal size of a professional rugby player? A while back I watched a game and they all seemed to be pretty good specimens.

    Based on my limited experience, I don't think you routinely see the same level of collision normally seen in American Football – I’m thinking the kind you see on kick returns or when a receiver gets hung out to dry over the middle. That's not to say the "no equipment" games aren't violent.


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    Quote Originally Posted by murph View Post
    Protective gear, we Brits don't use no steenking protective gear even when we play full contact sports.
    True, Rugby is a full contact sport. However, American Football, Gridiron, what ever you want to call it, is a collision sport. I have seen some tough hits in rugby, but the hardest hits i have ever seen come from our sport.

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    Broken bones and teeth are pretty common but most tackles are from the side or the back simply because players tend to try to avoid the opposition rather than one player trying to force there way through (although it does happen at times). Grounding the ball doesn't stop play and give you a chance to set everyone up again like American football. Obviously straight arm tackles are banned but if you can't be seen it's often a case of anything goes.
    As to the average size I don't know offhand but most players do tend to be of a decent weight. There are players that are more along the lines of your kickers in size but they don't just get to come on do their bit and leave. They have to muck in with everyone else.

    Remember there are two different types of rugby, league and union although the rules are similar now.

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    Here you go the first link on you tube when I typed rugby. Look at the tackles near the end of the film.

  • #16
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    In no way am I saying that rugby is not tough, but it is a different kind of hitting that takes place. It is more controlled. hard hits in American football are violent.

    Oh, and ya' all also play cricket. seriously, cricket???? what kind of sport is named after a bug??

    I hope you know that I jest.
    Last edited by mhailey; 07-23-2007 at 07:12 PM.

  • #17
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Normally, I'd say the tackles in rugby are less full-on (or full frontal) than gridiron. However, just watch how Western Samoa play rugby. Those are some of the toughest, nastiest tacklers in the game. Absolutely awesome. Your typical Western Samoan is as broad as he is tall (admittedly, not so tall), but that allows them to get up and under in the tackle and absolutely floor the opponent. Every tackle looks like a masterclass in pain. Tonga are almost as brutal in the tackle.

    The Fijians come a close third I reckon. They're less broad but about 7 feet tall with hands the size of shovels capable of holding, handling, receiving and passing a rugby ball in one hand -- try it yourselves, it's just not feasible with normal sized hands.

    The reason why gridiron can be more hard hitting (and therefore more in need of protection) is because it's a very direct and forceful game. Route 1 all the way, straight line. Rugby is geared towards evasion as well, which of course is all about the passing. There's a lot of passing in rugby, but in American Football the ball tends only to leave hands once before the next down (or so it seems to my limited experience watching it). Again, we're back to structure vs free-flowing.

    P.S. d-shave -- I love the way Argentina play soccer. In the last world cup that string of 24 passes before scoring the goal was sublime. It was a shame to see Brazil win (convincingly too, grrr) in the Copa America. It's strange though that Argentinian players don't normally succeed in the Premier League in England. Ossi Ardilles was fantastic, but since then we've had lukewarm performances from the likes of Mascherano, Tevez (except he had a good run at the end of last season), Veron, etc. Even Gabriel Heinze has faded a little for Manchester United.

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    I agree on the Samoans. I can only imagine what they would be like all geared up in football (American) pads, and set loose on the field. That would be something to behold.

  • #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    I agree on the Samoans. I can only imagine what they would be like all geared up in football (American) pads, and set loose on the field. That would be something to behold.
    There are a number of very good Samoans/Pacific Islanders in the NFL - I'd list some of them, but that would mean having to spell their names...


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    I mean an entire team

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