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Thread: It's a girl!

  1. #11
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    THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!

    You are now in my world, surrounded by women. I also have two daughters, and could not imagine my life without them. You are in for quite a ride with daughters. also, you now have to pay for two weddings, so start saving now.

  2. #12
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    also, you now have to pay for two weddings, so start saving now.

    And this is why my dad is happy he had two boys. Though many families are now splitting the cost, but I know my dad won't if he doesn't have to hahaha.

  3. #13
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    Yeah... the birth process is very painful. Well I mean I can't say from experience, but from what goes on on the biological side, it sounds very painful. The baby's head pushes on the back of the womb, which activates certain hormones in the woman (which causes more pain, I think), which goes back to the baby, which activates certain hormones in the baby, which causes the baby to push more on the back of the womb, and this just keeps going on and on. This is why it gets more and more painful as the baby gets closer to coming out. However, there seems to be a special "bond" that's created between the mother and her child after the whole ordeal.

  4. #14
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berticus View Post

    Yeah... the birth process is very painful. Well I mean I can't say from experience, but from what goes on on the biological side, it sounds very painful. The baby's head pushes on the back of the womb, which activates certain hormones in the woman (which causes more pain, I think), which goes back to the baby, which activates certain hormones in the baby, which causes the baby to push more on the back of the womb, and this just keeps going on and on. This is why it gets more and more painful as the baby gets closer to coming out. However, there seems to be a special "bond" that's created between the mother and her child after the whole ordeal.
    I must have hit the crap out of my mother then, she still gets mad at me sometimes i think for it

  5. #15
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Great Jubilation!

    Good to hear all has gone well for mother and daughter. I wish you all great health happiness and love. This is the greatest gift which nature provides for us as I'm sure you're already aware. There's just that much more love to go around now.



  6. #16
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Having 1 daughter was a great gift. Having 2 is even better.
    I won't have a son to teach how to shave, but I can always teach my daughters to shave me.

    And to LX: congratulations as well. You are in for a ride.
    The first time is pretty exciting. I have some advice if you want it.

    First of all, pregnancy changes a woman. As a friend of mine said: If your wife is pregant, she is not the woman you married.
    Anything is possible. You may be persona non grata in the bedroom for the enitre length of the pregancy, or the opposite, or anything else like not being allowed to eat things you've eaten for years, only because even the smell of your breath makes her nauseous.
    But whatever happens: roll with the punches, as they say.
    Only a couple of hours after giving birth, my wife was again the wife I married. 9 months can be a long time, but remember that the rest of your life lasts longer.

    And as for giving birth: no 2 times are the same, and what happens is intimate and private. Even though you feel utterly useless, you have to be at the side of your wife. She is surrounded by strangers in a strange place, and things are happening to her body over which she has no control. She is in unimaginable agony, not knowing what is going to happen and for how long it will go on.
    The only thing she can depend on is you, doing what you can, trying to anticipate the things she would say or ask if she would be able to do so coherently. But most importantly, you have to be there because this is one of those moments in your life where you have to be together, no matter what.

    At least, this is my experience and my opinion. Others may think different about this, and I do not judge. But my wife and I are a team. Whatever happens in life, we do it together. If nothing else in life can depended upon, we can still depend on each other.

    And to Pilothaz: May you raise the family you dream of.
    Being a father is something noone can explain. The absolute and undying love for a child is something wonderful.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  7. #17
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Congratulations Bruno

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  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    She is beautiful. Congratulations to you and the family. I also have a special place for girls in my heart. I have 4 daughters.


  9. #19
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    WTG Bruno! I'm sure she'll make you proud over the years to compensate for all the headaches she's bound to give you

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    for both Bruno and Alex

    Completely agree that if men had to do it we would have much fewer kids, and that you do feel weird and not very useful around...


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