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Thread: Going the whole nine yards

  1. #11
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Not really. I need a razor to shave, might as well use a straight.

    But I carry my cellphone with me 24/7 so if I need to know the time and date, they're right there on my screen. I also hardly ever write anymore. When I write anything at work, fountain pen is prohibited because I work in pharma and there are rules about the types of ink we can use. At home I don't write a whole lot. Most of my writing is taking notes during Japanese class, and for that I use ballpoint.

    I tend to stay away from things one 'should do' to fit a stereotype.
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  2. #12 JOB15's Avatar
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    My Mobile phone is my pocket watch. I like the idea of fountain pens but one would require a desk
    The whole 9 yards is a reference to hangging ppl with 9 yards of rope. Thats how my brain works without google.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Indeed, I'm squarely with the previous 2 respondents. My watch still sits dead in a drawer requiring an expensive calibration procedure plus the battery. Why bother when I have a perfectly annoying mobile phone to glance at for time, or my laptop, or iPad. Seems I'm never far from a clock. The watch also takes an incredible beating seeing as I unwillingly use it as a battering ram on door jambs etc.

    And, fountain pens? I wasted some money on a couple of inferior ones around the time I started wet shaving, and the ink really came in handy for making unexpected messes.
    Cangooner, JOB15 and AlanQ like this.

  4. #14
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOB15 View Post
    I like the idea of fountain pens but one would require a desk .
    You certainly don't need a desk for a fountain pen. I enjoy carrying one during my daily tasks at work. The main drag is taking the cap off every time you want to write. Fun if a 20 something asks to borrow your pen! The only time I got very mad at all when was when I had a Parker Sonnet and was bent over at an awkward angle trying to get a serial number. When I dropped it it hit nib first on the concrete floor of course.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The way I think lends itself to writing and drawing with a fountain pen or a felt marker - something about how the flow on the page matches how the thoughts flow in my brain. It’s smooth and not scratchy. Doesn’t work the same way with a ballpoint or a roller ball and I haven’t been able to reproduce it on a tablet. The action of a fountain pen just seems to compliment how I prefer to write when I am trying to be creative. When that part of the process is done, I just move to my computer and string words together.

    I own a very good pocket watch that I used to carry when I wore a vest or a pair of trousers with a watch pocket. My current wardrobe doesn’t support it. I also have several Seiko watches sitting dead in a drawer for the same reason Speedster provided. Also, I am now used to not having the weight on my wrist.

    I am now at a point in my life where I don’t particularly care what time it is - I just do what I do when I choose to do it. My main work tools are an iPad and an iPhone, both of which tell me the time when I need to know it and leave me alone when I don’t.
    32t, rolodave and Cangooner like this.
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