Quote Originally Posted by Bill31521 View Post
I hear you. However there are inherent risks with most things. The best thing they can do is give us the information. Anyone who feels threatened by it should definitely stay home. I wear a mask. I social distance. I can deal with that. But telling me I can't leave my house or cant work (self employed here) UNLESS THEY WANT TO COMPENSATE ME 100% is not acceptable. All I know is everyone who is getting paid in full doesnt mind staying home. But there's too many of us who do not.
Then what you are really saying is millions can die. You can't rely on folks to do the right thing by themselves because we see over and over again they don't.

My wife is a teacher and they say "well, if the kids sick they won't send them in to school" however under normal circumstances they send the kids in sick and when they start throwing up in school and complain not feeling well they say "I told mom but she said go in anyway".

You can't change human nature.

When they started putting seat belts in cars folks refused to wear them. Only ticketing forced them too. They didn't want to pay a couple hundred dollars for laminated windshields and padded dashboards and collapsible steering columns and a slew of other things that saved many many lives.

Hey, it ain't gonna happen to me until it does and you go flying through the windshield and get cut to ribbons.