Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
I do not consider the mandatory wearing of face masks as an assault on my freedom of choice as it is there to help protect others from being infected by a deadly disease and if they also wear a face mask it helps protect me too. Your right to freedom from wearing a mask stops when it infringes on mine and others right to life.

Even after you have been fully vaccinate you should continue to wear a face mask as you can still get infected and spread it to others even though you yourself may feel no symptoms, asymptomatic. I have not seen anyone wearing a face mask during regular flu season because, so far, there is herd immunity from that in Canada due to free yearly flu vaccines being available. Until herd immunity is reached against Covid 19 the wearing of face masks is a good practice.

I think we all have used a public washroom and observed people leaving without washing their hands. No, I do not trust people to follow even the most basic health and safety precautions. Not everyone is a responsible individual.

You're completely right Bob and i agree 100%.

I wasn't suggesting I didn't want to continue wearing a mask, just making the point that it is mandatory here anyway.