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  1. #21
    Gold Dot TULIP's Avatar
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    My brother is a mean chess player, but I'm lousy. I do play and enjoy cribbage quite often.

  2. #22
    Senior Member kbuzbee's Avatar
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    My father taught me to play when I was 8-9. He beat me 3 times (with fools mates!)... Then, never again After two games he would not play me any more.

    Played a few years on teh high school chess team. Did "okay".

    I taught my boy to play several years ago. Last year he beat me twice but he's way too much into video games so those were the last times he won.... Still has some to go to catch the old man, but playing him is all the chess I play (6-8 times a year).

    I should find a chess club or something. I do kinda miss it but I just like casual games. Don't want to get into USCF (or whatever it's called these days) level games.


  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chroma View Post
    I can go through the motions of chess and enjoy playing occasionaly, I am however far more proficient and indeed passionate at Go and play semi regularly on IGS where i get stomped by 8yr old japanese kids who have reached ranks i could never hope to attain

    I haven't had time since having kids, but I used to love playing Go on IGS and kiseido (and even yahoo). It's great fun and cool to chat with people all over the world. I like chess but think Go is a much more interesting, subtle game.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chroma View Post

    Chess players dont have a leg to stand on when arguing move complexity.

    Its fairly straightforward to code a decent chess player on a beowulf cluster and have it beat professional players.

    Go engines cant thus far be programmed to challenge anyone other than novice players.
    The sheer processing power that would have to be involved is mindblowing.
    the real problem with programming go is that it's too intuitive. Chess is pretty linear, so if you have enough processing power, you can make a good machine. So much changes indirectly with every move in go that I'm not sure the solution is processing power as much as teachign a machine to think creatively. Back when I played I could beat the best software program and I wasn't that good.

  5. #25
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I started playing chess shortly after I learned to talk. My grandfather taught me how the pieces moved and I was left to my own devices to develop a proper understanding of the game. As a result my game is not as advanced as it should be.


  6. #26
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    I like a good game of chess, but I suck, I can't even beat my simple thirty dollar computer set on anything but its easiest setting. I keep trying though the mental stimulation is nice.

    I like backgammon more, it seems easier to find a more laid back opponent, one whos not too intense about the game.

    Cribbiage is a favorite game though, really a great time, unless there are enough players around for eucher thne thats my game of choice.

  7. #27
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Love me a game of cribbage! I used to go to church after school every tuesday to play a couple of games with my pastor.

  8. #28
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    I'm better than average at chess. I have a game that teaches you to play - chessmaster - it's pretty good, has a grandmaster, Josh Waztkin I think, that teaches you the fundamentals and has all kinds of exercises you can go through in the academy section of the game that teaches you to play. The computer can be pretty difficult, I was rated at about 1100-1200 playing chessmaster. Some of the puters are really tough, chess software engines have really been developed to be much more difficult as to what they were 10 years ago.

    We used to play on the ship while I was deployed, there's a big psychological aspect to the game, one time a guy totally had me beat but was really impatient, I just made very slow deliberate moves until he made a huge mistake and swung the game in my favor as he let me queen ... he got pissed and told me he would never play me again. Playing against a computer that aspect is entirely gone. I was able to beat all but one guy on the ship that I played and we usually had very close games when we did play.
    Last edited by bevansmw; 05-17-2008 at 08:58 AM.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Huskysibe's Avatar
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    I play on I love the interface there and its free.

  10. #30
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    I used to play on the school chess team, many years ago, and was a member of the British Chess Federation.

    I have to confess, it has been quite some time since I last played. I did used to enjoy the mental stimulation.

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