View Poll Results: Who would you vote for

49. You may not vote on this poll
  • Obama

    19 38.78%
  • Clinton

    9 18.37%
  • McCain

    21 42.86%
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Thread: Mini election

  1. #21
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I am of course disqualified from choosing (I didn't vote in this poll) but if I had to choose I would pick Obama.

    The guy seems honest enough, and from what I read he has some good ideas (but what do I know).

    Clinton would be my second choice because I like some of her ideas. She is accused of being cold and ruthless, but I'd say that applies to most of the presidents so far. Only they hide it better.
    The reason I am not in favor for her is that it would be another presidency that stays in the family. I doubt GW would have had a fighting chance if his family was not one of governors and senators (and a president of course).

    McCain is a bit old. In fact, I think he is way too old. I don't know his agenda, but even if he was a democrat he would be my least favorite for the same reason.

    Romney would be my favorite rep candidate. I think he is perfectly capable of identifiying problems, setting goals and then working 3 years on fixing them.

    I would like an Obama - Romney race.

    EDIT: My opinions are probably not qualified compared to those of the US members here. I can only go by what I see and read on this side of the pond.

    From what I've seen, Romney is my favorite now ---- he seems to be a bright capable guy -- if only he wasn't a Mormon ---- I wouldn't even have considered this an issue if the media didn't make such a big deal about it. But I heard him speak last night after some of the polling was official, and all I can say is that he was quite impressive --- and since the media seems to dislike him (as compared to McCain), he must be the right pick .

    As long as you are informed, your opinion is valid.


  2. #22
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I would chose not to vote in this election, but I was taught from a young age that it is not only a right in the USA to vote it should be taken as a duty....
    My father was a 3 war Vet (WWII, Korea, Vietnam) and I'll be damned if I don't go vote and exercise the rights he fought for me to have...

    Sorry don't mean to offend but it's the way we were raised.....
    Why would this offend anyone? Because what you said is so true that it might cause guilt? You are correct ------

    Last edited by jaegerhund; 02-07-2008 at 12:54 AM.

  3. #23
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I would chose not to vote in this election, but I was taught from a young age that it is not only a right in the USA to vote it should be taken as a duty....
    My father was a 3 war Vet (WWII, Korea, Vietnam) and I'll be damned if I don't go vote and exercise the rights he fought for me to have...

    Sorry don't mean to offend but it's the way we were raised.....
    I share your frustration. Politics in the UK doesn't exactly give one much choice either. But everytime I think of not voting in an election, I think about the numbers of people who suffered, fought and died for the vote, from ethnic citizens to women sufragettes to soldiers. It seems incredible to me that most of the population in the UK at one time was not qualified to vote (yet you can bet that they had to pay taxes and national insurance just like anyone else).

    So no matter how much of a bad choice I seem to be faced with, I will vote, because it's my right and duty.

    (And also beacsue if you don't vote then as far as I'm concerned you have no right to whinge and complain about the current government!)

  4. #24
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I would chose not to vote in this election, but I was taught from a young age that it is not only a right in the USA to vote it should be taken as a duty....
    My father was a 3 war Vet (WWII, Korea, Vietnam) and I'll be damned if I don't go vote and exercise the rights he fought for me to have...

    Sorry don't mean to offend but it's the way we were raised.....
    Anyone else who feels this way, please please don't vote for someone you don't like or who you feel will be the lesser of evils.

    There are more than just two parties in this country. Many others put candidates in the races even if the aren't written on your ballot.

    Anyone who can't find a party that they identify with and a candidate they actually agree with probably hasn't looked hard enough.

    Looking at the choices the two major parties are putting up it will be like choosing Tweedle De or Tweedle Dum on election day.

    Voting for a candidate you actually believe in even if from a third party is not futile, it is not some outside of the box protest, it is what voting is all about. Choosing the candidate you actually think will do the best job.

    It is time to show the idiots in power that they have ignored our wishes long enough and that they can be removed from that seat of power despite the work they have done to make it all but impossible.

    Neither of the current parties existed when this country was founded. They arose because principled men took a stand for their beliefs and history has proven those beliefs superior. The parties we now think of as mainstream rose from the ashes of the parties before them.

    It is time to throw at least one party on histories Bonfire!!!

  5. #25
    Chopper and Hacker antioch510's Avatar
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    Derek Jeter for President 2008

    (As good a choice as anyone else!)

  6. #26
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    Not in this state


  7. #27
    Chopper and Hacker antioch510's Avatar
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    I meant Curt Schilling 2008

  8. #28
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    My apologies for the lack of candidates in the poll.
    The error is based in ignorance and I would edit if it were possible but I cannot, if one of the mods can and so desires please do.

  9. #29
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    Now that Romney's taken a bow, your poll is right on. You were a couple of days early predicting his exit--good work.


  10. #30
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by antioch510 View Post
    Derek Jeter for President 2008

    (As good a choice as anyone else!)
    If I didn't detest the Yankees with every bone in my body, I'd consider this.

    Sorry--longsuffering Cleveland Indians fan here.


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