I shouldnt be writting this right now... Im pretty tired and dont want to type up a bunch hah, been doin that all day for school... Anyway, I've been doin Nutrisystem since January 16, and am down 35lbs so far! I started at 311 and am now at 275.

I personally enjoy the food, no real problems with the taste. There are somethings I dont care to eat... Just dont order them again though, ya know? Nothin I cant finish atleast once. Its not too badly priced either, $300 a month + fresh fruit/dairy/protein/bread so, maybe $20 a week additional? Kinda pricy I guess, but works.

My main goal is to get to 220, then maybe 180. Goin step by step though, and lovin it

Anyone have any questions about it? I can happily answer those for ya!