Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post

I apologize if some of my comments may have been interpreted as glib or simply contrarian, that is not how they were intended.
Don't feel bad (or else I'll have to!), humans are not machines, we have personalities that sometimes conflict with other personalities, what matters is that we see through our differences in the end and can at least accept that differing points of view exist.

The human ego is one of mankind's greatest enemies, I know I battle mine from time to time.

As for the various videos that pit us against each other based on a few extreme cases, they are just that, a few extreme cases. There has never been a time in human history when everyone was appeased and lived in harmony. But relative to what we've been through, I'd say we're doing pretty good.

(Now, if only we could reason with those terrorists... Oops, can of worms )