This is an idea that I expressed on this thread:

It was a slight tangent from the thread and the thread seemed to fizzle out and stop so my idea kinda fell on deaf ears. I have since however had one or two PMs saying it was a good idea and I should pursue it. So here goes: a book chain.

The idea is that each person in the book chain passes on one of their books that they recommend to the next person in the chain. Nothing heavy or fancy. In fact a dog-eared paperback might be better. The idea is it gets posted to the next person in the chain. After a set time (eg two weeks) the books get passed on again. This chain goes round in a circle until eventually your book ends up back with you. People could attach a sheet with their comments if they like. The books could be discussed with one another by PM or on this thread if you'd prefer.

Its just an idea. Do I have any (more) takers? I have two names already...
