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  1. #21
    El Duderino The Dude's Avatar
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    I am a cynic about all things, and i must say when it comes to the man who is supposed to lead our country for the next 4 years, you bet im even more skeptical and cynical than with most things. I dont like the choices we were given this year. They are even worse than Gore/Kerry. I do love the freedoms our country gives us, but i really think the money driven, slanderous event we call an election is an atrocity and in no way what the original Framers of the constitution thought would be how the process of electing our Commander in Chief would take place. At the time the electoral college was first created, it was almost impractical for the country to get the news out to its people about who the choices for president were going to be. It sometimes took weeks and months for political news to reach from one state to the next. The college was to allow a census of the states to be obtained because a total popular vote (the whole country instead of state-by-state) would be easy to obtain if only so many areas knew about what was going on. or at least to a wider portion of the population than simply a few densely populated cities or areas. Now flash forward to today where news comes to us in an instant and we get to listen to the candidates rip into each other every week on TV, Radio, newspaper, etc... We as a whole can make a decision, it is no longer necessary for each state to represent a census because we can, and should, represent ourselves as one, united nation.

    Enough ranting for now, its past 4 in the AM, i got to at least catch a nap before i head out to work.

  2. #22
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronX View Post
    So his full name is John Sidney McCain III. .
    Which is probably why they never ever mention it.
    Because it would cost him working class votes.

    EDIT: about his choice for VP: I never heard of her, but for the purpose of his campaign it was a brilliant move. He will get a lot of votes that he would lose if he had taken a cheney clone.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  3. #23
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    The one point I haven't seen yet: this lady is pretty hot

    I'm not voting for McCain or Obama, but I think this was a good move for McCain. I know a lot of disgruntled democrats that would much rather vote for McCain over a black man (their words, not mine), and now that he has a woman running with him, they can feel better about voting for him.

    The American people are getting screwed for the next 4 years least there's a chance one of the people screwing us might not look so bad

  4. #24
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    Does the middle initial W means anything to you?
    Have you see it used on regular basis?
    Why not to use H then?
    What other names should be hidden and avoided that could denote associations?

    Dems seem to be very upset about the designations of Gov. Palin for the VP post, why?

    According to their points of view they should be jumping in joy and celebrating the poor decision of McCain.

    Or is it that Gov. Palin will unify the Republican Party and go a step beyond and tap some of the female votes loyal to Hillary?

    Just some food for thought!!

  5. #25
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Does the middle initial W means anything to you?
    Have you see it used on regular basis?
    Why not to use H then?
    What other names should be hidden and avoided that could denote associations?"

    The "W" has been employed when referring to our current president to distinguish him from his father, "HW".
    Can't recall seeing too many posts here that referred to him as "G. Walker Bush", similar to how the poster to whom I was responding chose to refer to Barack Obama.
    My point remains: None of the candidates who ran on either ticket used their middle names. Yet Obama's middle name was routinely highlighted by those who are all to happy to seek to infer something negative about a presidential candidate solely based on the name his parents gave him. Anyone who thinks the candidate's middle name is fair grounds upon which to judge a candidate's credentials, especially when the motivation for bringing the entire subject up is based on fear-mongering and ethnic adversion is, in my view, despicable.

  6. #26
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I know Barack Obama's middle name because it's Hussein. If it was Joe or Sam or even Dick I wouldn't have remembered it.

    Can we get back on topic now that I've answered the question? Or is there still some nagging ambiguity that needs to be addressed
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  7. #27
    El Duderino The Dude's Avatar
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    I would vote for someone with the middle name "Hitler" if I actually thought he would help this country. I miss Bill Clinton. Bill would have definitely gone put Palin in her place.....on her knees????

  8. #28
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default closed thread

    For now I've closed this thread. When you don't play nice you go to your rooms. The last thread about Clinton and Palin was the last straw.
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