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  1. #1
    Eternal Newb Smurf87's Avatar
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    Default What are your Thoughts?

    Hello all!!!

    So this will be the first presidential election I will be able to participate in and I was wondering some things:

    How would you describe the beliefs of your party (i.e. Dem/Rep)?
    If you are leaning to either Senator Obama or Senator McCain, could you describe why?

    It has been hard trying to decipher some of the things the candidates say they stand for, what they plan to do, and how it might actually effect the average Joe American.

    Thanks ahead for anyone who participates!

    Very Respectfully,

  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    There isnt a dimes worth of difference between the two, if there was you wouldnt be asking. Study thr Independent tickets such as the Constitution Party , Libertarian, etc. They actually stand for something other than money and power. Just my 2 pence worth.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

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  4. #3
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    I believe there is plenty of difference between the two. First off I believe that an independent vote is one that is thrown away. Here is a quote regarding independent parties: "they do not have ballot status in enough states in 2008 to win the presidency." Why bother? Instead make an educated decision based on your own situation and make a difference. I do not consider myself part of either party so I am technically independent. I don't follow the beliefs of either party and think it is rather a moot point considering that each candidate has their own set of them.

    With all of that being said I am voting Obama. Personally I have a lot of concerns that he addresses in a much better way (IMO) than McCain such as changing the terrible healthcare situation in America, foreign policy, taxes (especially increasing taxes only for those who make $250k per year and up- they can afford it), etc. McCain seems to me to be very underhanded both in his lies during the two debates thus far and his "smear" campaign towards Obama. (You will hear completely different opinions than this one especially here at SRP where it seems to me that most people are Republican or just plain old conservative) It seems that at this point McCain is doing anything he can to paint Obama in a bad picture. He has changed policies and made some poor choices such as choosing Palin as a VP. She is completely incompetant IMO as she has demonstrated herself in her debate and previous interviews. It isn't about whether or not she has "character" or that she will "grow into the position"... anyone could. Anyway, McCain is trying to appeal more to the heartland type of person who has big religious beliefs and still supports this ridiculous "war". I don't buy into any of that. People say Obama doesn't have the experience to be president and I completely disagree. He seems like a refreshing candidate to take over next term and try to turn this country around.

    I am a 25 yr. old white male living on the east coast to give you some scope here. I know people may come in here and try to disprove my thoughts but I am only stating what I believe and they can feel free to do the same. I hope you make a good decision here, it's an important one.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    Well, aside from the salt & pepper....... their both lairs, both have sworn allegiance to Israel above the USA, both accepted large sums of money to help pass the bailout plan....... geez, I could go on and on.
    Look to the other parties as nun2sharp said. It's your best bet. It will always be a two party system if WE don't try to change it. Why cast a vote for the lesser of two evils? You still end up with evil.
    Last edited by denmason; 10-08-2008 at 02:51 AM.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    Firstly, congratulations on your first election and on having enough on the ball to realize how important it is, regardless of how you vote.

    What each party stands for depends on where you stand.

    Here are Wiki links that gives a nice history of both:

    I have yet to firmly make up my mind....I have to choose one of them (since it does not good voting for the dead)...I have not ruled out an Independent, merely as a vote of protest.

    I do not identify exclusively with one depends on the issue.

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  10. #6
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    When you vote for a lesser of two evils, you compromise your own integrity and lose your ability to criticize politicians who sell out their constituents and their own principles. All of us should vote for a Third Party candidate and make a strong case that we must have complete reform of the two-party dictatorship leading America to disaster. There are two candidates acceptable to large segments of liberals and conservatives: Ralph Nader on the more liberal side and Chuck Baldwin on the conservative side. Or one can even write in a more outspoken candidate against the existing system like John de Nugent. The point is to not let America’s corrupt elite in finance and media manipulate you into voting against your own conscience!
    The Democratic Party can never be reformed until it learns that it cannot ignore the wishes of its rank and file. Democrats who are anti-war and anti-Globalist are blackmailed to support Obama with the specter of a Republican President.
    The Republican Party likewise can never be reformed as long as its leadership thinks it can go completely against our interests by blackmailing us with the spectre of a Democratic President.
    In truth, under both Republicans and Democrats the America we love is going to hell in a hand basket!
    We need a clean break. Vote against both McCain and Obama, Vote Third Party! Make a clear statement for the future. Have integrity. Vote your true beliefs, don’t let them blackmail you!

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  12. #7
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    The only wasted vote is the one not cast.

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  14. #8
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    You must vote! If you don't vote, you can't complain....and then what would we post here?

  15. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I am not allowed to vote of course But I'd vote Obama. Hardly a surprise.

    I have the impression of him as an intelligent man who knows his stuff.
    McCain looks to me as someone who doesn't. All this talk about war and patriotism.... they are only used to silence opposition and distract from the real issues. The US has bigger and more pressing problems than that.

    I also have the impression that McCain and his merry men seem to put a lot more effort in their dirt campaign. The last thing I heard was that Obama had ties to some US based terrorist organization when he was eight?

    It almost seems as if their main campaign priority is to fling dirt at Obama.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    Smurf87 (10-08-2008)

  17. #10
    Senior Member iron maiden's Avatar
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    Didn't South Park come up with the idea for our choices a while back?

    Who to vote for?
    ...a giant douche?
    ...or a giant turd?

    Either way, we're not left with much of a choice....and 3rd party is unfortunately too far diluted to make a difference....remember Ross Perot. Only this time, there's Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, Chuck Baldwin, etc......more choices to further spread the dissenters vote to make sure one of the 2 main candidates gets it.

    ...overall, I might just abstain. McCain isn't worth a damn, and Obama might as well be openly communist.

    At this point I don't know what to do. I don't want to compromise my integrity like Denmason says and help one of the main players get it by default by voting for the lesser of two evils, but I really don't think voting for a 3rd party candidate is even feasible. It is a shame there isn't just one of them whom we could all go for. I think that might surprise everybody if somebody like Chuck Baldwin actually won.

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