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  1. #21
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    "Loser pays" would take care of a lot of the ambulance chasers.....

  2. #22
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    I think it depends on the context. Do you think you have the right to capture the mailman as he walks up to your porch to deliver your latest RAD acquisition and then kidnap him and force him to be your test shave subject?

    And is there an age limit? Do I have the right to snatch up the neighbor's toddler who wandered over to my side of the sidewalk and then cook him for dinner?

    I don't think we should expect government to protect such "rights" as those that I just made up out of thin air
    Who said anything about snatching and capturing? When I said do what you will, I meant to get them off your property. Obviously shooting at toddlers is overkill, but I like to think that there is enough sense left in people that a "gray" area like that wouldn't need to be enumerated.

    If you're having problems with your mailman, they'll quit delivering it to you

  3. #23
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Yes, I guess I went a little overboard there. sorry everyone!
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  4. #24
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    [quote=jockeys;268801]how is it safer for the criminal to be armed and you to be unarmed??? I just really don't understand.

    Just look at the statistics. In countries that restrict access to guns, the gun crime level is low. You cannot escape the fact that the more guns there are the more likely one is to be used in a crime. I have to say that in the UK I have only ever seen sports and police weapons. For a population of 60 million we have about 200 deaths a year from gun related crime. Compare that the US has about 30,000
    gun deaths per year.
    I was just saying that gun law does have an effect on the general safety of the public and if nobody should have a gun it is a safer environment even if a few criminals do use them.
    Gun Facts

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