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  1. #11
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    I'm not a fan of Nancy Pelosi, but on her worse day she not as dozy as Sara Palin, as for Harry Reid you might not like his politics but he is reasonably engaged, educated and professional.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    I'm not a fan of Nancy Pelosi, but on her worse day she not as dozy as Sara Palin, as for Harry Reid you might not like his politics but he is reasonably engaged, educated and professional.
    Pelosi isn't bad. She's just been targeted by the Republican slime machine. They immediately set about to demonize anyone who stands in their way.

    Pelosi has done some good things and some dumb things, but mostly, she spends her time herding cats. It's easy for an unscrupulous opposition to make that look bad.


  3. #13
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Remember, if your not a Republican your not a real American, if you're educated and can speak in full sentences your an elitist.

    If you want smaller government vote Libertarian, Republicans say they are about small government but its not true, they need bigger government to enforce all the draconian things they will impose on you as they strip your rights away. The Republicans party is basically a church group that likes to spend money irresponsibly and make their real American friends rich on the backs of the taxpayers. They've managed to fool the middle class for years with fear, "someday you may be rich and the Dems. will take all your money and then they will take what's left after you die with the death tax", guess what if your not rich now the likelihood that you will is very slim, don't vote based on fear.

    The last eight years there was a Republican Administration, 6 of the last 8 years both house were controlled by the Republicans, what did you get for it. Your rights have diminished, your incomes in terms of real dollars have gone down, while the top 10 percent have gotten wealthier, you've lost jobs while the boys at the top take obscene bonuses, buyouts and exit packages, and you've lost health care coverage, its time for change, its time to try something different.


    9/11 (we didn't think they could fly planes into a building, despite reports with that subject in the title)
    The failure in Afghanistan
    Failing to execute the operation at Tora Bora and letting Bin Laden escape
    Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    Abu Ghraib
    Camp X-ray Guantanamo Bay
    Participating in torture or allow third parties to torture on the US's behalf
    Dick Cheney to this day saying the Iraq had something to do with 9/11 despite the fact that no one has factually linked the them together, in fact most have found the opposite.
    The government accessing your personal information, and stripping away your individual rights.
    Hurricane Katrina

    Tax cuts are nice but in the current reality any one who thinks taxes should be cut is delusional, for starters if you're a good republican you must think the Iraq war is great, how do you purpose that the US pay for a war that cost 10 Billion dollars a month? How do you plan on securing the borders and the ports, fighting in Afghanistan and pay for the recent bailouts to name just a few of the big ticket items.
    Last edited by Hutch; 11-02-2008 at 01:20 AM.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Hutch For This Useful Post:

    WireBeard (11-02-2008)

  5. #14
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    If the Christ returned to Earth today, he would be carried off to be crucified again by so-called "Christians" and most would be members of the GOP.

    Care for the poor, sick, and invalid
    Treat others as you wish to be treated
    Ensure justice for all and fight for the victims of injustice
    Strive for peace

    "You betcha, that long-haired freak-he ain't no real Amerikin, goshdarnit (wink) golly he must be a Socialist or a Communist!"

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    Hutch (11-02-2008)

  7. #15
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Jesus was a Democrat or a Socialist

  8. #16
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Don't forget Palin's foray into Socialism, lets take the wealth from the oil companies in the form of higher taxes and redistribute it to the comrades, oops I mean citizens of Alaska in the form of nice big fat checks. It does wonders for ones popularity while in elected office. While your at it you can redistribute the wealth by having the company building the sports complex work on the mayors house all on the taxpayers dime.

  9. #17
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    Jesus was a Democrat or a Socialist
    Oh, I know him- Mexican dude from San Diego, black hair... yeah, he's cool.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Philadelph For This Useful Post:

    WireBeard (11-02-2008)

  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    Don't forget Palin's foray into Socialism, lets take the wealth from the oil companies in the form of higher taxes and redistribute it to the comrades, oops I mean citizens of Alaska in the form of nice big fat checks. It does wonders for ones popularity while in elected office. While your at it you can redistribute the wealth by having the company building the sports complex work on the mayors house all on the taxpayers dime.
    You'd be popular, too, if you sent each and every Alaskan a few grand every year from oil profits. I always wondered about that -- the oil is on land that belongs to all of us, but only the Alaskans get the checks.



  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Nord Jim For This Useful Post:

    Hutch (11-02-2008)

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