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  1. #11
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I do not understand why people get caught up on the colour of someone's skin
    Neither do I, but look at the exit polling
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  2. #12
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    I guess four years ago when Bush and Schumacher won, respectively, it was a good week to be white, huh?

    Should I feel proud every time another white person does something good?

    Collectivism sucks.

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  4. #13
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    I guess four years ago when Bush and Schumacher won, respectively, it was a good week to be white, huh?

    Should I feel proud every time another white person does something good?

    Collectivism sucks.
    My point exactly.

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  6. #14
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    Mr. Obama is just as much white as he is black, isn't he?

    His mother is a white American, and his father a black African.

    I guess he is truly an African-American!

    Collectivism does suck, but at the same time you must admit that there are some strong predjudices out there, with rascism being a rather prevalent one.

  7. #15
    mmmm...Beer roughneck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    It has been a long battle for alot of people who, by no fault of their own have been mistreated in too many ways to enumerate. My girlfriend is a black woman. Last night she was so emotional it had me crying too. It is impossible to understand what someone of color feels when a situation is clearly unfair due to racist behavior. But I know now there is a true light, a new hope for those who may have always believed the better things in life have been intentionally placed out of reach of the black man.

    Hey, now that this wall has been broken down and an African-American has been elected President, perhaps there is hope for us Italian-Americans.

    I agree that many black people have been mistreated for a long time. However it seems by what you are saying is that it okay for black people to vote for a black president based upon his color. If so could that act be considered a form of racism, by voting simply for the non white guy? This is a serious question. I would really like to know what you think. And yes I know that many white people voted for the white guy for the same reason.

    I hope Mr. Obama does well and wish him all the best.

    Oh and congratulations to Mr. Hamilton as well. He almost had it last year but didn't get much help from his teammate. If i remember right he had a pretty bad reception in Spain. It really is sad that some people can't see beyond color.
    Last edited by roughneck; 11-05-2008 at 03:41 PM.

  8. #16
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    Collectivism does suck, but at the same time you must admit that there are some strong predjudices out there, with rascism being a rather prevalent one.
    racism is a subset of collectivism. nothing more, nothing less. collectivism is defined by webster as "emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity"

  9. #17
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    As long as some people can whip others into a frenzy for profit we will have this problem. Here in the states both the Government as well as the media keep this a hot issue always making sure the pot stays stirred, the media sells news and the government garners power!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  10. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by roughneck View Post
    I agree that many black people have been mistreated for a long time. However it seems by what you are saying is that it okay for black people to vote for a black president based upon his color. If so could that act be considered a form of racism, by voting simply for the non white guy? This is a serious question. I would really like to know what you think. And yes I know that many white people voted for the white guy for the same reason.

    I hope Mr. Obama does well and wish him all the best.
    It would be extremely short sighted to attribute Obama's victory simply to the color of his skin. He is a great orator and a brilliant man. He filled people with hope that perhaps this country can rise again from the depths into which she has sunk. Naturally, the black Americans, especially the ones old enough to remember segregation have finally reached that elusive mark. The cookie jar on the highest shelf. They can now look into the eyes of a black youth and say with all honesty that they can one day grow up to be President of the United States of America. Shame on anyone who would deny this opportunity to people who have worked and suffered so long for, to people who have been taught that "white is better". Yes Jockeys, collectivism does suck, especially when you denied admission into the bigger collective of your own country. I suggest we look at history and remember all the people whose blood has been spilled on this road Barack Obama has just travelled. This is a great day. Not just for Blacks but for Americans of all sizes, shapes and colors.

  11. #19
    mmmm...Beer roughneck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    It would be extremely short sighted to attribute Obama's victory simply to the color of his skin. He is a great orator and a brilliant man. He filled people with hope that perhaps this country can rise again from the depths into which she has sunk. Naturally, the black Americans, especially the ones old enough to remember segregation have finally reached that elusive mark. The cookie jar on the highest shelf. They can now look into the eyes of a black youth and say with all honesty that they can one day grow up to be President of the United States of America. Shame on anyone who would deny this opportunity to people who have worked and suffered so long for, to people who have been taught that "white is better". Yes Jockeys, collectivism does suck, especially when you denied admission into the bigger collective of your own country. I suggest we look at history and remember all the people whose blood has been spilled on this road Barack Obama has just travelled. This is a great day. Not just for Blacks but for Americans of all sizes, shapes and colors.
    That didn't really answer the question.

  12. #20
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    Okay, I'll break it down for you. Yes, it most certainly is okay for people to vote for those who are similar, in race or political view or religion or whatever group you'd like to reduce the decision to. Why not? If Kennedy won because of the Catholic vote, what difference would it make? Naturally people who have seen themselves marginalized by the old white guy in the White House for their history in this country would jump at the chance to elect someone who may consider them in any decision at all, be it the sending of emergency aid into a flood stricken black district in New Orleans or sending the poor and uneducated into two war zones. Yes, it can be considered racist or perhaps it may be better to call it hope.

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