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Thread: Watchmen

  1. #41
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Don't bother.

    Saw it today and was honestly disappointed. I don't know the comic, so I can't talk about that– but as a movie, wait for the video. I thought it was very good and interesting until maybe halfway through. Then I lost interest I think. I mean, it was done well and all. Visually cool. I just did not like it as a whole. If you like the comic you'd probably like it. After seeing the movie though, I can't imagine myself liking the comic. I had high hopes too.

    There is a lot more I could say but I feel it is kind of pointless lol.

  2. #42
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Saw it tonight. Dug it. It does fall a little flat in a few moments, but that's me nit picking. Overall I give it a big thumbs up. It didn't impact me the way I thought it would though. I wonder if that's simply an over familiarisation with the material on my part. I'll need to see it again out of fanboy mode.


  3. #43
    Junior Member Jorus's Avatar
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    V for Vendetta was my gateway drug into Watchmen a couple years ago. I read V just before that movie and was pretty happy with the silver screen translation. I read Watchmen shortly thereafter. I absolutely loved both books and frequently pick them up for a reread. I was really excited when Watchmen movie teasers popped up last year.

    When I saw Watchmen on opening night, I had a level of fanboy excitement that I haven't felt in a while. I was not in the least bit let down.

    I absolutely loved the small nods given to the comic readers. It was like the director found a nice compromise between adapting the comic for the big screen (read: cut stuff out) and keeping those parallel plot lines "running." I won't give anything away for those of you who haven't seen it yet.

    I think the casting was terrific. Dan Dreiberg (Nite Owl 2) and Rorschach (well...Water Kovacs) especially, really looked (down to body language, stances) like their 2-D comic counterparts.

    There are many times that you could actually freeze frame the movie and hold the corresponding page in the comic up to see that they match. Brilliant. I haven't seen that since Lord of the Rings (Alan Lee's illustrations).

    I don't mind a long movie when my attention is kept and justice is done to the story, so the length of the movie wasn't an issue to me at all.

    The soundtrack made me smile frequently, both in how all the music is from the book, and because...well...they're all great songs!

    Costuming-wise, I'm glad they remained true with period clothing and didn't try to make any of the characters "Hollywood pretty." Sure, the "modern-day" heroes' costumes were updated, but they looked great. Also, President Nixon was a hoot.

    Yeah, I'm gushing, but no real criticisms of the movie are coming to mind. Should I look for some? No, because that would be a bit silly, wouldn't it? Why look for reasons to shoot down a movie you enjoyed?

    Note to parents considering taking their kids: This is a very graphic movie. There is intense fighting and death- think bones snapping, compound fractures, broken necks, people exploding into sprays of blood and guts, all there for you to see. Be prepared to see full-frontal nudity of a blue, glowing man (insert jokes about his "Lower Manhattan" here). There is also a sexual assault scene, as well as a considerably long and gratuitous sex scene, which could probably be considered softcore pornography. All that considered, I'm somewhat surprised they got away with the "R" rating.

    However, if you do take the kids, talk about the overriding themes of the movie: vigilantism, "Who watches the Watchmen?" the sometimes high cost of peace, the Cold War and nuclear proliferation, etc.

    Anyway, I highly recommend the movie to both fans and unfamiliars alike. Enjoy!

    Highlight below to see spoilers...

    Small neat Easter Egg I noticed... In the beginning, when the Comedian throws the mug at his assailant, the mug hits the apartment door, breaking the last number off. The camera lingers just a moment on the remaining numbers: "300." Seems to me like the director wanted to remind us of another movie he recently made, eh?

    So, regarding the ending... I'm not at all displeased with the change. After all, it doesn't change the outcome. Also, the spirit of what Ozymandias seeks to accomplish remains. He just blames someone else instead. The whole alien teleportation thing from the comic was a little hokey anyway.

    End of spoiler section.

  4. #44
    El Duderino The Dude's Avatar
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    I saw the movie last night and as someone who read the comics when i was younger I will simply say +1 to everything Jorus said. Cause that is way too long to type again

    Awesome movie and i enjoyed all 2 hours 40 minutes.
    Last edited by The Dude; 03-10-2009 at 12:43 AM.

  5. #45
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Apparently, Schneider's cut came in at 3 hours!

  6. #46
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    found a decent copy and watched it today (please don't hate me for d/ling it, there was seriously no way i was getting my g/f to sit in the theatre for that long to watch a movie she wasn't even interested in).
    i liked it. i honestly don't think that i would have been disappointed if i had gone to the theater. good story, good charactors, good acting. i really like that fact that the actors (and probably because of the director, i don't know) didn't over act the parts. they acted them like real parts, not super hero parts, or what a lot of super hero parts turn out to be. i didn't find any flat parts to it but i was also lying on my comfy couch the version i found was 2 hours 33 mins but i didn't find it to be too bad length wise. good movie all around, i will definitely buy a ciopy when it comes out, it should be better quality then the one i found.

  7. #47
    Internet Detective Kanahmal's Avatar
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  • #48
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Oh man that's rich!

  • #49
    Junior Member Corey's Avatar
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    I haven't watched it yet, but I want to. I've been really looking foward to the Watchmen coming it. I love the comic, but within the last week or two I've been dreading it. I don't know if I want to see it ruined. I'll get my poop together and check it out next week some time (matinee for the win, no morons for me thanks) and try to keep my expectations from being astronomically high.

  • #50
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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