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  1. #11
    Senior Member KristofferBodvin's Avatar
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    That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.I have a rotweiler, and I guess he could be compered to your golden when considering thicknes of fur.I can tell you this: When we go mountain hiking in late autumn in norway, he sometimes prefer to sleep outside the tent at night.Then we are talking between 2 and -2 degrees celsius!
    We have a kind of national icon in Norway( we have several, but this one is still alive.) His name is Lars Monsen.In one of his expedicions he crossed Canada,
    It took him 3 years! And he used a sled, pulled by 8 dogs.In the summer he just chilled out in the vildernes.During the 3 years he lost about 5 dogs.Some to wolfs and some to injuries.This fact raised some eyebrowns, but I'll bet that his dogs was among the happiest dogs in the world.Something to consider when your dealing with people who seem to think that dogs belong in Paris Hilton handbag.Good luck Matt!
    Kristoffer.Dog owner and friend to all animals.

  2. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    That is total BS Matt...
    Hook them up in court as long as you can, seems that is the only thing people understand anymore....

    I had a runaround with my homeowner Insurance 6 years ago about our Malamute...
    We had to change insurance carriers and they wanted pics of the outside of the house.. First problem was they wanted steps built off the back deck, mind you that the step is under the legal 18" that requires a step... Living in a log home you don't have many options for insurance so I built some really nice heavy duty steps with railings and basically beautified the back deck while I was at it with rails and pickets... Hey the wife loved it so I got the insurance company off my back and got some good husband points...
    Took new pics of the stairs and sent them in, huge problem, in the pics was the big guy "Mr Mojo" 150lbs of lovable Malamute (it was his deck)
    They freaked about the dog now, said that we needed to build an enclosed dog run that he was so big that he was danger to anyone that came by...
    Finally after a heated conversation with them about how I have 20+ freaking acres and my nearest neighbor was over 1/2 mile away the saw that he was of no concern...

    Anyway good luck to ya
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-29-2008 at 05:31 PM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    Having dogs my whole life I cant imagine how you feel. Not only insulted but hurt. Of course mad as hell for the accusations being put at you... but man I really feel like people dont think before they speak anymore. To accuse you like that without having seen the conditions or any other knowledge of anything other then a concerned phone call from you. You call worried about the new dog co-habitating with your family and another dog. Worried about the integrating of your new dog into your families lives... and when you see and recognize there is a problem you contact them and get a reaction as you have I just cant understand that.

    I wish you best in this and really really hope it works out for you and the family....

  4. #14
    Senior Member jszabo's Avatar
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    we have a rottweiler,pitbull and a wolf that stays outside all the time they have nice insulated dog houses and are well taken care of and seem to be just happy as they can be it sounds like someone is trying to screw you over congrats on taking them to court please keep us updated

  5. #15
    yeehaw. Ben325e's Avatar
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    Place no trespassing signs in your yard, just to give your argument extra fortitude in court. Your signing that contract doesn't give them the right to trespass your property.

    And set booby traps. Lots of booby traps. I wonder if the filter is going to make this ***** traps.

  6. #16
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    BTW arent labrodors they dog used for duck hunting, jumping into frigid waters to retrieve game and loving it. Definately an outside kind of dog!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  7. #17
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    Like I said above, all of these statemens are logical. I am not dealing with logical individuals. They are the fanatically nut jobs that have elevated the creation over the creator, and worship dogs like a diety.

  8. #18
    Babyface Cornelius's Avatar
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    Wow, what a bunch of lunatics. I guess that if they come and take your dog while you're away, you can sue them for all sorts of things (like trespassing, theft, etc.) I remember when I was a child we had a dog. It wasnt allowed into the house!

  9. #19 FastEdge's Avatar
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    That is total nonsense. My yellow lab loves it outside. I have to force her to come in.

    By the way, being a non-profit or not for profit does not mean they cannot make money or pay their employees. Trust me on this. My wife and I both work for a non-profit organization and we get paid.

    Good luck.
    Ed M

  10. #20
    Knife Nut
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    good luck dealing with the nut jobs man.

    (wow my post seems really short after all of your guyses)

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