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  1. #41
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    I can sum up the entire problem, and why it will never, ever be over:

    Israeli: a Palestinian killed my father, I will not rest until I have revenge.
    Palestinian: an Israeli killed my grandfather, I will not rest until I have revenge.

    wash, rinse, repeat. forever.
    Which is exactly why the (not strictly english/irish) but Unionist/Republican conflict will never be resolved. I can say this from my own personal experience of having grown up in the heart of Belfast.

    In response to my fellow gentleman English's post.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    If theyve got the 4th largest army as well as nuclear weapons and are bent on a greater Isreal, why havent they done it? BTW didnt they broker a land for peace settlement no too long ago? I fully realize that Israel has its fundamental extremists, every issue does.
    Probably because the US hasn't given them the green light, yet. I'm not aware of any land for peace deal since they gave the Sinai desert back to Egypt.

  3. #43
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimensch View Post
    Probably because the US hasn't given them the green light, yet. I'm not aware of any land for peace deal since they gave the Sinai desert back to Egypt.
    I may be mistaken, but didnt Bill Clinton engineer such a deal in the 90s and then the Israelis started moving people out of the outer villages and towns.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  4. #44
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    So. It is a lot of that here have told also good and bad. Everyone has the opinion. Politicians is a separate conversation, they do that it is necessary to them. And now on business. I'm the Christian, instead of the Jewish religious fanatic. But I will be at war with Hamas until then while they will not cease to shoot on schools and kindergartens. Wish to be at war, perfectly, let bomb military bases. Hamas simply wants money, they poor and unfortunate, but Israelis oppress them - give money. Palestinians do not work for a long time already, they simply are at war, and Israel gives them water, money, the unemployment benefit.
    Alex Ts.

  5. #45
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poona View Post
    Which is exactly why the (not strictly english/irish) but Unionist/Republican conflict will never be resolved. I can say this from my own personal experience of having grown up in the heart of Belfast. .
    it's why MOST long-running conflicts will never be resolved. people just aren't willing to let things go. as long as there is someone out there who feels the need to get ever, it'll always be on.

  6. #46
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    It's way too early in the game to be deciding much about the outcome. Keep in mind that the world is seeing only one side of this right now-- Hamas' side. Israel learned in the last war (Second Lebanon War) that Hizbollah was watching TV and could figure out what the IDF was doing. For that reason, Israel decided against allowing media in the battle areas. We know from past experience that Jihadist claims are way inflated-- did anyone hear the guys who were saying that 3,000 Palestinians had been killed? That was a few days ago when the UN (which is now an almost-useless organization) was saying 300.

    My belief is that Israel learned its lessons from the 2006 Lebanon War and is now getting it right. You can bet that there are a number of countries that denounce Israel and ask it to stop, but inside, they're happy that Israel is taking a bite out of Hamas. I think we're going to be seeing Hamas screaming for a cease fire before long-- they're getting their a** handed to them right now.

    Let's hope that not many innocent lives will be lost.

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  8. #47
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    This whole mess and all the others around the world can all be characterized thusly: As long a Humans hate each other because they have a different religion, or look different, or have a different economic or social standing or different tribal affiliation and about 20 other reasons things will never change. Probably the most defining constant throughout Human history is war of one kind or another. Unless we are all exactly the same in every way I don't see any chance for change. And even then I'm sure people will find something to hate about others.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #48
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    it's why MOST long-running conflicts will never be resolved. people just aren't willing to let things go. as long as there is someone out there who feels the need to get ever, it'll always be on.

    Its a shame really isn't it.

  10. #49
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavelaw View Post

    My belief is that Israel learned its lessons from the 2006 Lebanon War and is now getting it right. You can bet that there are a number of countries that denounce Israel and ask it to stop, but inside, they're happy that Israel is taking a bite out of Hamas. I think we're going to be seeing Hamas screaming for a cease fire before long-- they're getting their a** handed to them right now.

    Let's hope that not many innocent lives will be lost.
    I agree - Given both sides clearly believe killing each other is the long-term solution to this situation, let's hope the collateral damage is minimised.

    Someone asked earlier what diplomatic solutions could be used to reduce or eliminate the support base of these organisations. Let me ask two questions in return:

    (1) If there are no diplomatic solutions, and the only resolution to this thing is "handing people their asses", what is the logical end point? You think these people are going to say "Oh, good show! You handed us our ass! Well, fair's fair. We'll stop now."

    (2) Why would someone strap a bomb to their body and set it off? Fanaticism is only part of the answer in my opinion.

    A long term solution treats the cause, not the symptom.

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  11. #50
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    This all words ... But half an hour back Hizbala has started rockets in the north of Israel.
    Alex Ts.

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