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  1. #31
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    Default Where to begin...

    1. She's a knuckle head. I'm with Jordan in that this person clearly possesses a genetic defect and therefore should be pulled out of circulation and evaluated. Again, she's a knuckle head so who knows what she does and who she influences. What if she was your kid's teacher?

    2. Those bears are getting the raw end of the deal because they are going to be scrutinized until the day they die. That stinks. Let me say that I am the furthest thing from an animal activist, but I do feel bad for the bears. Polar bears can swim for miles (their fur is hollow which allows them to float - pretty cool), and they are stuck with some lousy pool that their buddies are ****ing in and to make things worse, you have some crazy jump in and you don't play. Granted playing for a bear probably involves carnage but like I said, she's a knuckle head.

    3. I'm not sure what I was going to say so I'll end with this non-PC / humanitarian comment: The crowd should have thrown the raw meat at the knuckle head so she would smell even tastier to the bears.

  2. #32
    Beard growth challenged
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    LOL if you'd be "pulling all of those out of circulation", it'd be better to put a fence around certain areas.

    Actually I thought that people get observed in a hospital for a couple of weeks after suicide attempt, but I've just heard that they don't do that anymore. Maybe too expensive.

  3. #33
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travec View Post
    1. She's a knuckle head. I'm with Jordan in that this person clearly possesses a genetic defect and therefore should be pulled out of circulation and evaluated.
    LOL! That would apply to most of our knuckle-headed population I reckon. It would solve overpopulation for sure. Now if only we could find enough bears to eat them.

  4. #34
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    You all missed the cry for help.

    the bears merely want to be repatriated to the the Arctic circle! this unfortunate woman heard their cry and decided to try and help but the angry job of animal haters kidnapped the would be heroine and thus forced the bears into a slow and lingering death. All the while being surrounded by the unruly and gawking masses of dim witted people.

    Free the polar bears! Let them head home before Al Gore personally melts all the north sea ice and drowns humanity!!!

    Be just and fear not.

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