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  1. #71
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    I couldn't agree more.

    As with every presidential election since I turned 18, this was another case of voting for the candidate that I thought would do the least damage, not the most good, and I found both candidates to be so potentially destructive, that I wasn't overly concerned when Obama won the election.
    My friend you just made the best case you possibly could for limiting government.

    That exact sentiment was a huge influence in the founding of this country.
    THAT idea is why the Constitution is SO clear and why we need to stick with it.
    IT limits the amount of damage a President can do.
    IT limits the Congress
    IT limits the courts

    we are on the same page
    you just don't realize it

    the idea of the Constitution was to severely limit the reach and power of the central government so as to create the least possible harm to the rights of the states and the people

    the STATES created the Federal gov

    doesn't that seem strange now?
    the states creating the Federal government?

    the founding fathers tried to create the LEAST destructive gov possible
    because they knew it was dangerous

    Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, like fire, a troublesome servant and a terrible master.

    and another I hadn't seen from Mr GW himself!

    When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour.

    I wonder if the last was really him?


  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Jeeter View Post
    Is anyone that has posted previous to my question over the age of 50?


    58 in about a month.


    That was not my quote.

  3. #73
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    The president of the US is always going to be between a rock and a hard place. The issues that you run on are not always easily understood. GW bashing is a religion for some but produces nothing. Obama has reversed himself on some issues because once he found out what was going on behind the scenes he had little choice but to behave like the president of the United States and take the welfare country and state first. The presidency is a very difficult job and in the next 4 to 8 years you are going to see Obama age, rapidly. The weight of the office is a profound and heavy obligation. There is the realization that no matter what you do there are people that will forfiet their lives and their treasures. Not an easy position to be in and I wish him God's speed and wisdom.


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  5. #74
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    That's the one great thing I love about this country, and put my life on the line defending it. Everyone has the right to say what they think and feel whether or not I agree with it, either from the radical right or the looney left. My son is also defending this right, as well as my niece who just graduated from Annapolis yesterday. So while you are having this great debate, take a moment to thank those who are defending your right to voice your thoughts, and sometimes paid for it with the ultimate cost. If you think their sacrifice wasn't worth thanking, I enjoy you to go live in other areas of the world where you don't have that right. Yes, I still believe in those ideals.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dward For This Useful Post:

    jdurango (05-24-2009), norman931 (05-24-2009)

  7. #75
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dward View Post
    That's the one great thing I love about this country, and put my life on the line defending it. Everyone has the right to say what they think and feel whether or not I agree with it, either from the radical right or the looney left. My son is also defending this right, as well as my niece who just graduated from Annapolis yesterday. So while you are having this great debate, take a moment to thank those who are defending your right to voice your thoughts, and sometimes paid for it with the ultimate cost. If you think their sacrifice wasn't worth thanking, I enjoy you to go live in other areas of the world where you don't have that right. Yes, I still believe in those ideals.
    I am betting a majority of us in this debate also defended our country.

    Good luck and God bless to your son and niece.

  8. #76
    Curmudgeon Brother Jeeter's Avatar
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    That was not my quote.


    My apologies, kind Sir. That was Bladerunner. My eyes are definitely NOT what they once were. I was looking for the Avatar of the questioner and I totally blew it.

    I'm still gonna be 58.

  9. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    However, IF I was one of the folks who actually voted for Obama based on his campaign of "Hope and Change" I would be furious. His cabinet is largely made up of recycled clinton cabinet members, and he has done very little in terms of change.

    As far as hope, I never had much to begin with that we'd see any meaningful improvement as a result of Obama's actions, and I have even less now.
    Well, having paid attention to what he was saying during the election cycle, and based on not a few of his actions in prior years, I was not duped into the bizarre idea that he was for human or civil rights and anti-war. I do know a lot of people who seemed to just see the word "Change" and fell hook line and sinker. Yes, quite a few of them are very peeved now. They feel, and rightly so, that they were taken.

    But, really, if you look at his cabinet, you had Hillary attacking Bush from the right on the issue of Iran ("attack! attack!"), and she is his pick for secretary of state. As for his fiscal cabinet picks, you have Volker, and a host of Reagan-era cronies who were responsible for some of the most dire changes in the economy as far as wages and services go.

    His is an exceptionally right wing cabinet in policy. It's just handy for him that he can claim that things were set in motion by Bush. The fact is that a lot of it was set in motion by Clinton, and before that Reagan and Carter.

  10. #78
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dward View Post
    ... My son is also defending this right, as well as my niece who just graduated from Annapolis yesterday. ...
    Send my congratulations to your Neice. And best wishes to your son. You must be a very proud father and uncle.
    Last edited by joesixpack; 05-23-2009 at 04:24 PM.

  11. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    we are on the same page
    you just don't realize it

    Actually, I do realize it.

    I have always been in favor of smaller government.

  12. #80
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    Actually, I do realize it.

    I have always been in favor of smaller government.
    The smaller the better

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