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  1. #1
    Senior Member Elliette's Avatar
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    Default Obamas' Night Out

    Yes, he values his wife, and that's very good. However, the hulaballoo about "promises kept" is a slap in the face. The spectacle of people in that position out expensively enjoying themselves while people are getting pink slips because of decisions made by one of them is not so happy-making. GM workers also value their wives and husbands.

    Let's be clear here - it is not the date itself to which I object, nor to treating one's spouse well - which everyone should do.

    Consider - one of the leading causes of marital strife is financial woe. This man is personally responsible for bringing such woe into the lives of a lot of factory workers this very week. This being the case, how appropriate is it - how sensitive to the plight of others is it- to make a big deal out of a fancy night on the town? Not at all.

    Add to that the incredible amount of photo documentation and I have to ask - what the heck kind of date is this? How good could it be for a marriage, anyway? It smacks of attention-whoring (if you will pardon the expression).

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  3. #2
    Senior Member IsaacRN's Avatar
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    I would like to point out that the "date" ran over 30k dollars worth of money. Thats one heck of a date...and im sure he didnt pay for that "date"

  4. #3
    Senior Member Elliette's Avatar
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    Yah, this is another problem I have with it. That's about two years' salary for this humble bookseller.

  5. #4
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IsaacRN View Post
    I would like to point out that the "date" ran over 30k dollars worth of money. Thats one heck of a date...and im sure he didnt pay for that "date"
    Maybe he should have taken her on that date in Detroit. $30 grand would have been a nice injection into the local economy. I don't think DC would have missed that money, as most of it probably came from lobbyists

  6. #5
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    How's this for a slap in the face?

    He spends $30k to keep a promise to his wife that he should have known better than to make in the first place, but of all his campaign promises about change from the status quo in Washington, he's kept, uh.... how many was it....

    Oh that's right, not one.

    I agree completely that this is a nonsense publicity stunt.

    "Look how average Joe I am!

    Here I go, taking my wife to see a show because I said I would.

    I understand being a regular guy. Gotta keep the misses happy.

    Please ignore the fact that I have had citizenship with two different countries in my life, forget that I've been involved with multiple political extremist groups, one of which was run by a man with a well documented history of supporting terrorists.

    Forget that I make nearly half a million dollars a year as president, not counting another quarter million in personal expense accounts and that when I get out of office, I'll be able to make tens of millions of dollars a year for the rest of my life by occasionally making public appearances, allowing me to lead a life of leisure and luxury that the average American could only dream of.

    And please, what ever you do, please ignore the man behind the curtain. I am the great and powerful OZ.

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  8. #6
    Senior Member Elliette's Avatar
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    Okay - let's get this straight here - one, he is a citizen of the US. Two, he was never a member of a terrorist organisation. Three, don't make me stick up for someone whom I regard as an enemy for actual reasons!

    What I object to is the blatant disregard not only for the plight of the unemployed for whom he is directly responsible through the forcible "restructuring" of GM. For all his hue and cry against private jets and this and that, he has the audacity (hee) to pull this crap.

    Not only that, but having seen what the heck a motorcade looks like, and knowing what is involved in transporting the president here and there, I object very strenuously to the whole thing as a massive waste of resources. Were they in NYC in the first place, and he mixed in a Broadway show, well, that's one thing. But a special trip?

    Yes, this and the dog for the kids are the two fulfilled "promises". Meanwhile, back in Guantanamo....

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  10. #7
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    "Look how average Joe I am!
    No, I'm an average joe.

    Please ignore the fact that I have had citizenship with two different countries in my life, forget that I've been involved with multiple political extremist groups, one of which was run by a man with a well documented history of supporting terrorists. "
    I don't buy this "Obama isn't a citizen" BS for one minute. There's been nothing but a lot of smoke blown about it from the beginning and it has never ammounted to anything more than that.

    As far as terrorist organizations go, yeah, he was an associate of members of a group that later advocated violence and acted on it as well. I don't think this put's him in the same catagory as Hamas or Al Quida.

    Perspective people, perspective.

    The rest of what you say, I have to agree with, so I'll give you a pass.

    This time

  11. #8
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    I do agree completely with you about how disrespectful this is to the average American worker, many of which are having a hard time right now.

    I'd like to clarify a couple points though. Unfortunately, this will be pretty light on references, as my internet is pretty restricted here at work. I'll never know how they failed to block this site, as most other forums are blocked.

    In any case....

    I never said he wasn't an American citizen. A lot of the theories about his citizenship not being adequately vetted were interesting, but pointless. Let's face it, if there was one scrap of proof that he wasn't eligible for the job, Clinton would have found it during the primaries, because you know she had people looking as soon as there was a whisper of doubt.

    However, it's also a well documented, and undisputed fact, that he was enrolled in a public school in another country that only allows people to enroll if they are citizens. So, he HAS also had citizenship in a second country.

    Also, I never said he was a member of a terrorist organization. I said he was a former member of political extremist groups here in the US, which he has openly defended, and one of those groups was run by a man with a well documented history of supporting terrorism. Once again, specific references will have to wait until I get home to my unrestricted net access, but perhaps somebody else can beat me to the punch.

    All that aside, my point isn't to bash the guy's political past, but to illustrate how laughable his attempts to look like "a regular guy" really are. The man has lead an amazing life, with many ties, to very good, AND very bad people. (notice I didn't say good or bad, just amazing)

    He walks in circles of power and influence that beyond comprehension for most of us, and when he leaves office, he will live a life of wealth and luxury that most of the people getting screwed by his decisions could never have unless they won the lottery.

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  13. #9
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    Well said.

    It appears the lady may also read books.

  14. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    I don't think this put's him in the same catagory as Hamas or Al Quida.
    I agree that it doesn't put him in the same category as Hamas, or Al Quada, but it certainly puts him outside the realm of "regular guy," which was the point I was trying to illustrate.

    Also, while his peers from those organizations never perpetrated the magnitude of violence as your examples, they actually scare me a lot more.

    You see, there's two kinds of crazy extremists. There's the "strap a bomb to your chest and kill school children kind."

    That's what you get with a lot of the radical islam folks.

    What they do is usually worse, but somehow less psychologically disturbing (to me) that the other kind.

    The other kind is intelligent, well informed, and often soft spoken. When they talk about committing violence for political or social ends, it's not with psychotic fervor, but with quiet belief, and the air of somebody doing something perfectly normal, like putting on their shoes.

    Those are the ones that scare the heck out of me, and those are the ones that Obama has had so much association with.

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