So I know that many of you have children or are starting a family. I thought a thread to share funny stories or the crazy things that your kids do would be a good way to prepare the new dads for the carnage that awaits them.

I'll start.

This weekend my one year old was in rare form. He is learning his words and one of his favorites is "boogie" which he pronounces "bgie". So he walks up to me and grabs my arm and brings my arm to his face at which point I thought he was going to give me a raspberry. Instead he blew his nose on my arm leaving a huge boogie on my arm. He then took two steps back, smiled and said "bgie, bgie, ick". I smiled and laughed with him and said "Yes, it is" He laughed more. He then started singing "bgie, bgie ick". My older son wanted to copy his younger brother, I told him to go get a tissue.

Oh yes boys are fun, in a gross sorta way.