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  1. #1
    Shattered Logistics's Avatar
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    Default Are you InSaNe?!! Rorschach Test - AKA: Inkblot

    Some of you may be aware that the Rorschach Test is used in Psychology.

    These images found in the early 1920's have been sheltered from the public for the reason of retaining a true and genuine response from the test taker. These responses are then scored by the examiner to better assist the Psychologist in determining one's mental health or lead the examiner to further test for other disorders.

    As some of you may have been reading, hearing or watching on the news a doctor has uploaded ALL of the Rorschach Plates (the images are known as Plates) to Wikipedia with the corresponding common answers after more than a half century of research.

    This brings to light the most common answers that have been researched in geniuses, murders, anxiety and depression to name a few.

    No matter how controversial these images and their corresponding outcomes to the patients or test takers they have always been hidden from public eye. Now doctors want the images removed from Wikipedia and are beginning to take legal action to have them removed for the sake of trying not to have skewed test results from test takers (patients).

    Meaning, if one knew that if all you had to do was say the nice things versus what was genuinely in your mind then the test would be skewed thus the Psychological test would be useless.

    Please note, there are many variations of how an examiner will determine results and not many doctors have the same scores even with the same patient. Some professionals go as far as using a lie detector to better determine if the patient is telling the genuine truth with each corresponding answer.

    Also, I have read information the indicates these Plates have been uploaded to the internet before but it is my understanding they have not released the corresponding data that has been analyzed for decades.



    Don't scroll down if you wish to never see these Plates nor their corresponding statistical answers.

    Data is in order with the images.

    Plate 1: Bat, butterfly, moth
    Plate 2: Two humans
    Plate 3: Two humans
    Plate 4: Animal skin, massive animal
    Plate 5: Bat, butterfly, moth
    Plate 6: Animal hide, skin, rug
    Plate 7: Human heads, faces
    Plate 8: Pink - Animal
    Plate 9: Orange - Human
    Plate 10: Blue - Crab, lobster, spider
    Attached Images Attached Images           

  2. #2
    JMS is offline
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    I prophecise that this will be a great thread!!

    Can anyone spell prophecise?
    Last edited by JMS; 07-30-2009 at 07:22 AM.

  3. #3
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    I was a conscientious objector during Viet Nam and worked two years in a mental hospital as my alternative service. I asked one of the psychologists to explain how the patients were different from the staff and she gave me all the psych tests such as the Rohrschach, sentence completion and the TAT so I could compare my answers to the answers of patients that I knew. IME, it doesn't matter whether the patient has seen the images before or not. The proof: we had a patient that was committed by her mother. The law said she had to stay on the ward for 2 weeks and then go before a judge. She told me that she would act totally normally for the 2 weeks so that, when we went before the judge, the staff would look like idiots. She did act totally normally for 2 weeks and when we went before the judge, the first thing he asked her was, "Why are you here?" And she said, "Because I'm the Queen of France."

  4. #4
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    I'd have thought it was obvious to many people that saying "a dog in the gutter with its head split open" is never a good idea, whereas "butterfly in a field of flowers" is more what's expected?

    If Rorschach tests were used in isolation, on their own, then publication on the internet might be an issue, but wouldn't inkblots be used as just one of a battery of tests in any situation?

    (I thought De Niro's response in the film Analyze This was a laugh: "Meh, a big bat. Or a weasel..... Or a p*ssy with teeth." )

  5. #5
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    I've just recently watched some BBC report about a nice experiment on TV.
    A group of psychiatrists and a group of patients, mixed with non patients met for a couple of days. They ran quite a number of tests and spent all this time together. The challenge for the psychiatrists was to distinguish the patients from the non patients and in the end they failed miserably. Match quote was like 45%.

    From my collection of books about art being made by patients in the psychiatry I have gathered the (quite disgusting) impression that a huge amount of what doctors ever said about them is based on pure arrogance and did about everything but improve their situation.
    There's only one lonesome cowboy of younger age from hungary (F. Jady) who pays them the due respect.

  6. #6
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    Default My personal insanity.

    Well thought I'd take this time to say hi. Been lurking in the forums waiting on my first straight to get here (here being Iraq). So it's been a long wait. Thought I'd share my personal insane take on the plates Gotta get this in before I read anyone elses responses.

    1. And evil bunny with 4 ears.
    2. 2 badgers doing Kungfu
    3. 2 women holding baskets with a butterfly between them
    4. Looking up at a giant ant eater on his hind legs
    5. A butterfly
    6. 2 headless clowns pole dancing
    7. 2 stone statues of arms with a thumbs up falling down
    8. 2 iguannas climbing a tree.
    9. a flaming cup
    10.The Eifle tower

    I'm pretty sure this means I'm bonkers lol.

  7. #7
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    I have always had a pretty dim view of the field of psychology.

  8. #8
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Can anyone spell prophecise?
    No, noone can because it's not a word.
    The word you are looking for is the verb prophesy (PRAW-feh-sigh).
    Different from the more common noun prophecy (PRAW-feh-see).

    Last edited by xman; 07-30-2009 at 08:43 PM.

  9. #9
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    I have always had a pretty dim view of the field of psychology.
    As with Tabac, EDIT: slut /EDIT, I'm with you on this one. Ink blots? I'm not buying it.

  10. #10
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    I'd thought the Rosharch test had pretty much been debunked as a diagnostic tool in Psychology?

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