View Poll Results: What did I see?

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  • We are being visited, it was a UFO

    8 19.51%
  • Talk to a clergyman, it was a sign from God

    0 0%
  • Seek a medium, it was a message from the afterlife

    0 0%
  • It was something of terrestrial origin, maybe a secret government project

    9 21.95%
  • It was an optical effect of some kind, perhaps a sunset effect (although well past dusk)

    6 14.63%
  • You're wrong, you were dreaming

    8 19.51%
  • This was an hallucination

    3 7.32%
  • It was something else (please elaborate)

    9 21.95%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: I saw a UFO!

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I didn't vote because I have no idea whether what you saw was a bona fide UFO or some alternative previously suggested. I will say that just because we humans assume that we are the be all and end all of creation doesn't mean that there aren't other creations out there that may come round and scope out the crazy planet where the inhabitants kill one another individually and en masse constantly since they've been on the earth.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    Bigbee (08-06-2009)

  3. #22
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Belgium had a good deal of UFO sightings in the 80s.
    Only a couple of years ago it turned out that the US military was testing some kind of remote controlled aircraft, shaped like the reported UFOs with the same maneuvering capabilities that were reported.
    They did a number of fly-overs, which coincided with a number of UFO sightings.

    Of course this did nothing to change the opinion of the UFO believers, except that now also the US is involved in the conspiracy to keep it under wraps.

    I have no trouble believing in extra terrestrial life at all. It could even be sentient and intelligent. What I do not buy is that someone would go through all the trouble and expending all those resource to visit terra, only to go and play hide and seek and only show themselves in questionable circumstances.

    Btw about cover-up conspiracies: it is amazing that governments who lose data at every turn, and who seem unable to do things efficiently are somehow able to cover up the biggest scoop in the history of mankind.
    Last edited by Bruno; 08-06-2009 at 05:42 AM.
    dave5225 likes this.
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  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    Bigbee (08-06-2009), Bruce (08-07-2009), Oglethorpe (08-06-2009)

  5. #23
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    I would just like to piont out that soon after that orange object was seen in the sky, some aliens beamed down to the surface:

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Seraphim For This Useful Post:

    xman (08-06-2009)

  7. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    I would just like to piont out that soon after that orange object was seen in the sky, some aliens beamed down to the surface:
    Now she is a lovely lady ! IMHO
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    xman (08-06-2009)

  9. #25
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I have no trouble believing in extra terrestrial life at all. It could even be sentient and intelligent. What I do not buy is that someone would go through all the trouble and expending all those resource to visit terra, only to go and play hide and seek and only show themselves in questionable circumstances.
    i hear you, and don't totally disagree, but you are in fact using human reasoning and knowledge to come to that conclusion, right. so how do we know that they aren't hiding in the places that we can't go (like someone already stated, oceans, remote mountainous area) and are just better at hiding. i'm not saying that i believe that, but i also wouldn't say its impossible.

    for the record i would love to see a UFO, i think it would be exhilerating. i like to think i wouldn't be scared, though i probably would be.

    X, i won't claim to know what you saw, but to me it sounds pretty cool. so were you scared at the time?

  10. #26
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Now THAT's what I call role-play. You're a lucky man, X!

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to majurey For This Useful Post:

    xman (08-06-2009)

  12. #27
    Member MisterDavid's Avatar
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    Let's put it this way:

    Theres a computer that selects random numbers, one after the other. A man bets that this computer will select the number 9 four times in a row. Sceptics say aliens are impossible, but few people would disagree at some point, maybe not for 10, 100, 1000 or even a million years, but at some point the numbers will be chosen. Well aliens are far more likely than the number being chosen

    So what i mean is aliens do exist. Whether or not they're pestering kids in Canada is another matter however.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to MisterDavid For This Useful Post:

    Oglethorpe (08-06-2009)

  14. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I can't recall whether it was in the '60s, '70s or '80s but in rags like the National Enquirer there were stories written relating how some people claimed they had been beamed up into a UFO and taken round the block and dropped off again. There actually was speculation by some folks at the time that the accounts may have been credible. Then there was the popular folklore regarding Area 51.

    As far as an extra terrestrial spending the time and resources to check us out and after all of that not making themselves known, I admit it is questionable but if they saw and were cognizant of our violent and paranoid nature perhaps they are considering discretion the better part of valor. If I were to go to East LA and get in Crips and Bloods territory I wouldn't stop to say,"What's up".
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  15. #29
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chee16 View Post
    X, i won't claim to know what you saw, but to me it sounds pretty cool. so were you scared at the time?
    Terrified. I wouldn't leave my bed for fear of meeting a little green man in the hall. I had to turn my face away from the object because it was too mortifying to see.

  16. #30
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    An example of ball lightning? Not typical though.

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