View Poll Results: What did I see?

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  • We are being visited, it was a UFO

    8 19.51%
  • Talk to a clergyman, it was a sign from God

    0 0%
  • Seek a medium, it was a message from the afterlife

    0 0%
  • It was something of terrestrial origin, maybe a secret government project

    9 21.95%
  • It was an optical effect of some kind, perhaps a sunset effect (although well past dusk)

    6 14.63%
  • You're wrong, you were dreaming

    8 19.51%
  • This was an hallucination

    3 7.32%
  • It was something else (please elaborate)

    9 21.95%
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Thread: I saw a UFO!

  1. #31
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    As far as an extra terrestrial spending the time and resources to check us out and after all of that not making themselves known, I admit it is questionable but if they saw and were cognizant of our violent and paranoid nature perhaps they are considering discretion the better part of valor. If I were to go to East LA and get in Crips and Bloods territory I wouldn't stop to say,"What's up".
    Yeah, but in Est LA, you'd be the weakest player. Someone who had mastered the technology for intergalactic travel, would probably also be more than capable to defend themselves from whatever we can do.

    They would not need to be afraid any more than we are afraid of a fly.
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  2. #32
    I Dull Sheffields
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    I chose "other" because we have no idea of knowing what it is. However I don't rule out the possibility that there is extraterrestrial life in the universe for the same reason that another poster listed. The odds of such a thing to occur are actually much better than skeptics are willing to admit. What that means is, there are other planetary systems similar to ours, where the inhabitability of plants are possible by our standards. Sure they may not be as cushy as Earth, but they are close.

    And... because time travel via the possibility of a worm hole, so as to get around space, has not been entirely ruled out, if aliens were to harness such a power, sure it's possible.

    But, rest assured, if I were to witness something like this, I'd punch myself in the head as hard as possible and blink really hard. The disbelief might be more overwhelming than the actuality of the event.

    Tough call, X!

  3. #33
    jcd is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    Terrified. I wouldn't leave my bed for fear of meeting a little green man in the hall. I had to turn my face away from the object because it was too mortifying to see.
    OK, I was suspicious when the poll was started, but now it's getting silly!

  4. #34
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcd View Post
    OK, I was suspicious when the poll was started, but now it's getting silly!
    Laugh if you like, but that's exactly how it happened and that's how I felt too. It's true! I mean c'mon I was, like eleven or something.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    It was the middle of the night and I was eleven years old, sleeping in my top bunk in Southern Ontario, Canada. Our bedroom curtains were usually drawn at night so this was a rare opportunity to see outside. I woke in the night to see what looked to me at the time to be a UFO hovering, motionless outside my window. It was a large, glowing semi-circular shaped object, flat on the bottom side, which almost filled the centre of my sixth floor, westward facing window. It was a deep orange colour in the centre, gradually changing to more yellow near the exterior with no clearly defined visible edge, but the shape was a perfect half moon. I was terrified. I turned my face away toward the wall and considered what to do. I didn't want to run to awaken my parents in case our apartment was occupied by aliens. When I turned back a moment later it was gone. I went back to sleep and when I told my mother the next morning she didn't believe me. She thought I was just telling her a story or something to get attention.

    I need as many people to weigh in on this as possible. Please help me understand what I saw. I was not asleep and dreaming, of this I am certain. So what happened?

    What you "saw" was a manifistation of your need to enforce a sense of order on the naturally chaotic event that is life.

  6. #36
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    I also saw a UFO -- but it didn't remain unidentified for long.

    I stepped outside at night for some long-forgotten purpose and saw this "thing" hovering silently in the air with lights on its corners. I called the family out to look at it. It slowly moved closer.

    Eventually it got close enough that I could see what "it" was -- it was actually four A-10s flying in close formation several times as far away as they at first appeared to be. And like all things far away they appeared to be moving much slower than they really were, slow enough to seem to be hovering. A-10s are relatively slow flying craft to begin with.

    My mind also sort of "filled in" the area between the planes to make it look like something solid was there.

    If it had been flying away from me instead of toward me I might never have known what I saw.

  7. #37
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I wish mine were so easy to identify.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcd View Post
    I recommend you get some hypnotherapy. This will uncover a very deep memory: you were taken on board the UFO and anally probed.

    I have yet to be abducted and/or probed by aliens. I do have a plan, however, and I think when it happens, I'll pretend to be so interesting and clever with my wit and intellect, that the aliens will ask to be excused for a moment, engage in a brief but spirited discussion, and then their spokesperson will approach me and politely ask me to probe them if it isn't too much trouble.

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  10. #39
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I saw this video recently which reminded me of this thread. I hope it is not considered a hijack, but maybe something to add to the (old but maybe still interesting) discussion. This is the guy who said aliens took him for a ride and later was featured in a book and movie (Fire in the Sky) about his tale. Skip to 11:30

    The Moment of Truth - Alleged Victim of Alien Abduction (2/2) - YouTube
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  • #40
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Wow!! That woman is awesome how she knows what is true and what is false!! I think every police force in the world would be after her services. But luckily for them that tv game show got her.


    Edit: Lee, why can't I see your blog entry?
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