View Poll Results: Would a VAT be a good move?
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7 23.33% -
23 76.67%
Results 61 to 63 of 63
08-17-2009, 11:04 PM #61
08-18-2009, 12:38 AM #62
very good. so do you know how much has been the tax increases on the profits of small businesses over the say last decade and how much of that is federal and how much local?
i recently looked at the business plan of a friend who is thinking about starting a small business and taxes was not their main concern. the biggest concern was the compensation package for the employee(s) - a slave labor would be a show stopper, regardless of whether it can be done or not.
08-18-2009, 05:03 AM #63
I think you misunderstand me. It is pretty hard to squeeze more out a group of dying and hurting small buisness class. They are dying faster than polar bear. I am saying we all should be demanding more honesty and intergrity regardless of your philosophy. Any system would work if our officials would be more honest, that need to happen first.