View Poll Results: do you believe that Joe was right in apologizing?

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  • yes

    44 70.97%
  • no

    18 29.03%
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  1. #71
    Senior Member crushnbugs's Avatar
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    Yes he was correct in appologizing, there is a TIME and PlACE to diplay your displeasure and views.

    I am not saying he was wrong because Obama DOES LIE, but he could of been tactful and gentlemanly about it!

    Just my view...

  2. #72
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    OK - should Wilson apologize for being out of turn? Sure. That is the bigger thing to do. But no need to apologize for the comment itself. The truth needs no apology.
    It's never wrong to apologize, but also never wrong to speak the truth when you see the lie no matter how much society punishes you for it. I wish more republicans had the ball to tell Obama off.

    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    You see, your words are asking a single question with an obvious answer, but there are really two other questions here that are more important.

    1. Should we need the government to tell us to make a living will?

    2. Are there many people in this country who are either so lazy or so incompetent that they really do need the government to tell them to make a living will?
    No We don't need the government to tell us to make living wills. If you are lazy it still is not the governments place to tell you you need a living will. Especially not the Federal Governments place.

  3. #73
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    I think it is very funny how some people think it is a great issue that a few undocumented immigrants might take advantage of a plan to provide health care. How can it possibly be a bad thing to help a fellow human being who needs medicine? How can anyone find fault with a method to help anyone in need? Meanwhile, we are still involved in a war that has caused the deaths of thousands of people because of boldface lies told to the entire world by George W. Bush. Lies that were told with no possible purpose other than to make huge amounts of money for himself and his corporate cronies. Was Mr. Wilson whining and shouting like an ill behaved child then?

  4. #74
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    I think it is very funny how some people think it is a great issue that a few (10's of millions (of)) undocumented immigrants might take advantage of a plan to provide health care. How can it possibly be a bad thing to help a fellow human being who needs medicine? How can anyone find fault with a method to help anyone in need? (Because it is already breaking the Hospitals and Clinics)

    There, I separated the two for you see it really wasn't that hard....

    Meanwhile, we are still involved in a war that has caused the deaths of thousands of people because of boldface lies told to the entire world by George W. Bush. Lies that were told with no possible purpose other than to make huge amounts of money for himself and his corporate cronies. Was Mr. Wilson whining and shouting like an ill behaved child then?

    Just some small changes in red there for ya Bradamonius
    Last edited by gssixgun; 09-16-2009 at 02:16 PM.

  5. #75
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    Why would you think "tens of millions" of undocumented immigrants would be able to take advantage of a healthcare system? I think that many might be discovered don't you?

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  7. #76
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    Sadly, it seems like disliking Bush was very en vogue and disliking Obama is a faux pas of not full blown racism. Gotta love double standards.

  8. #77
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    I don't know the exact numbers but I'd venture to say that there are also tens of millions of uninsured American citizens. Why should they be denied?

    Illegal immigrants get treated in the ER now no matter what. We still pay for them. When they call the police or fire department, are they asked for documentation before they're helped? Do they need to show identification before using our postal service?

  9. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    I don't know the exact numbers but I'd venture to say that there are also tens of millions of uninsured American citizens. Why should they be denied?

    Illegal immigrants get treated in the ER now no matter what. We still pay for them. When they call the police or fire department, are they asked for documentation before they're helped? Do they need to show identification before using our postal service?
    Short of enacting another "Operation Wet Back," this will continue to be. I'm Mexican and as such, I strongly appose illegal immigration. There are legal ways to enter this country and take advantage of the American Dream.

  10. #79
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    Why would you think "tens of millions" of undocumented immigrants would be able to take advantage of a healthcare system? I think that many might be discovered don't you?
    Sadly no they would not be discovered, even now it is illegal for a hospital to ask about citizenship status.

    It's a bad thing to help people who are taking money out of my pocket, just like being an accessory to robbery really. They don't contribute to the system and I have no choice but to help them. I don't think so. It is completely different if I choose to donate to a cause that helps them, as I have with both my time and my money. But when someone tells me I have to I have lost my freedom.

    I'm in favor of asking at hospitals and if they are illegal treat them then ship them home. If they would rather die here than go home that is their choice and one that doesn't rob anyone else of their freedom.

    Its a cruel world and I'm tired of paying so our politicains can look generous. Of course they can be generous, it isn't their money, or their work to earn it.

  11. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    I'm in favor of asking at hospitals and if they are illegal treat them then ship them home. If they would rather die here than go home that is their choice and one that doesn't rob anyone else of their freedom.

    And somehow we'd still get stuck with funeral costs. I dislike any member who does not serve his/her country in any way or contribute to greater good.

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