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  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default Behavior in these healthcare discussions

    I don't know why, but for some reason, the recent healthcare discussions seem to fire people up more than the past discussions about the war, or the 2008 election.

    I don't have any problems with that. However, for some reason, some people seem to find the need to start insulting people. There is no restriction on topics here in the conversation, but we do require people to remain respectful and polite. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean he should be insulted.

    Calling people stupid does not help your argument, will make you seem childish, and will see you banned for a variable length of time.

    I have been discussing politics and religion with many of our senior members here for a long time. Most of them are to the far right of me. We disagree(d) on many things, yet none of us has ever called the other one stupid, trash, or other things. It is possible to discuss those topics, disagree completely, and still maintain proper decorum and even respect for each other.

    Please keep this in mind. If you don't think it is possible to participate in a polite manner, then either stay silent, or find another place to have those discussions.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  2. The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    0livia (09-27-2009), bromion (09-29-2009), Bunny (09-28-2009), deusseteh (10-04-2009), Englishgent (09-27-2009), Hillie (10-04-2009), McWolf1969 (09-26-2009), nun2sharp (09-24-2009), paulwjax (09-27-2009), ReardenSteel (09-24-2009), Sailor (09-27-2009), smokelaw1 (09-24-2009), thebigspendur (09-24-2009), treydampier (09-28-2009), wpfontenot (09-24-2009), xman (09-26-2009)

  3. #2
    JMS is offline
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    Hear hear you stupid Belgian Socialist

    All joking aside I have noticed an uptick in rudeness in these threads myself.
    I ask, along side Bruno (who I consider a good friend), that if you don't think you can handle yourself in a manner becoming an adult please do not respond to these conversations.

  4. #3
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Hear hear you stupid Belgian Socialist.

    (Coffee all over keyboard and screen.)

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Hear hear you stupid Belgian Socialist
    Curious minds want to know... is that North or South stupid Belgian Socialist?

    /An expat South stupid Belgian Socialist

  6. #5
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelP View Post
    Curious minds want to know... is that North or South stupid Belgian Socialist?

    /An expat South stupid Belgian Socialist
    You'll have to ask Bruno.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    My Mom and my grandpa told me when I was a little kid not to discuss politics or religion with anyone if you wanted to get along with them. People have been killing each other over disagreements on those topics since the first example of brotherly love. Cain and Abel.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  8. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Here is the thing..

    For me, some of you guys are truly the only people I talk with that represent the left side of the fence at all.. Come on I mean I live in North Idaho I am so conservative I wear two right cowboy boots

    With that in mind these are two rules I go by in these discussions..

    1. I am never going to change somebody's mind, but the different points of view are interesting

    2. Since this is a Internet chat and subtle nuances are missing, I try and always say this in the back of my mind,,,, "If something can be interpreted two ways, and one is bad, I try and interpret their meaning as the other"

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    Bruno (09-24-2009), smokelaw1 (09-24-2009)

  10. #8
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Here is the thing..

    For me, some of you guys are truly the only people I talk with that represent the left side of the fence at all.. Come on I mean I live in North Idaho I am so conservative I wear two right cowboy boots

    With that in mind these are two rules I go by in these discussions..

    1. I am never going to change somebody's mind, but the different points of view are interesting

    2. Since this is a Internet chat and subtle nuances are missing, I try and always say this in the back of my mind,,,, "If something can be interpreted two ways, and one is bad, I try and interpret their meaning as the other"


    My father once told me that I'm so liberal that I hand out my money to the undeserving with two left hands.

    Point #1: I'm not going to change anyones mind, and I TRULY enjoy having my own thoughts and opinions challenged. It is the only way I can be sure I am acting rationally.

    And your #2 happens to be the exact opposite of the way almost everyone on the internet acts...I wish there were more that took your road...on BOTH sides of the fence.
    Last edited by smokelaw1; 09-24-2009 at 02:33 PM. Reason: eye kant' schpel sumtiims

  11. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Here is the thing..

    For me, some of you guys are truly the only people I talk with that represent the left side of the fence at all.. Come on I mean I live in North Idaho I am so conservative I wear two right cowboy boots

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    With that in mind these are two rules I go by in these discussions..

    1. I am never going to change somebody's mind, but the different points of view are interesting

    2. Since this is a Internet chat and subtle nuances are missing, I try and always say this in the back of my mind,,,, "If something can be interpreted two ways, and one is bad, I try and interpret their meaning as the other"
    Sage advice, and these are almost exactly my rules on this matter.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  12. #10
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    ... I have noticed an uptick in rudeness in these threads myself.
    I accept full responsibility and offer my sincerest apology.

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