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  1. #21
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanx View Post
    I am with you on the spirit of this thread however I do not think it is appropriate to talk down to someone because they allowed their emotions to get the better of them.i am no wise man but I believe that insulting comments are better left ignored rather than responding and adding fuel to the fire.
    I may be misinterpreting your post, but I didn't see Bruno's comments as talking down to anyone at all. As a moderator on this fine site, I just think he was reminding us that we need to control our behavior and treat each other respectfully.

  2. #22
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondesi View Post
    I may be misinterpreting your post, but I didn't see Bruno's comments as talking down to anyone at all. As a moderator on this fine site, I just think he was reminding us that we need to control our behavior and treat each other respectfully.

    +1 I didn't feel I was being talked down to.

  3. #23
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    I posted what I said because of the last sentence of the thread starters original post.I don't believe it was necessary to do so.We are all aware of the rules of civilised conduct.If a poster oversteps those boundries then they should be reminded privatly as opposed to publicly reminding everyone.Then again maybe im misunderstanding what he is trying to convey.I misunderstand alot of things.

  4. #24
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanx View Post
    I am with you on the spirit of this thread however I do not think it is appropriate to talk down to someone because they allowed their emotions to get the better of them.i am no wise man but I believe that insulting comments are better left ignored rather than responding and adding fuel to the fire.
    That is probably true at a personal level (ie. for you and the other users).
    For us, it is not as simple as that.

    SRP is one of the few forums on the internet (that I know of) where insulting comments are very rare, and where childishness is not part of a conversation. This is partly because most people here are old enough to shave but also because we simply don't allow it, and that kind of behavior is absent from the discussions that newbies will see.

    If we allow insults to remain on the forum without taking action, then we risk creating a level of mild profanity throught the forum. If that happens, then newbies will arrive here, and assume mild insults and disrespectful behavior are just fine. Once that general tone is set, it will be much harder for us to manage, because we can't react to those things anymore, because we can't moderate 1 person for doing the same as the rest.

    We are a community who allows disagreement but insists on good behavior. People are hardly ever banned permanantly from this site, and if they are, it is not over single incidents or without warning. Even temporary bans are rare, considering our membership size.
    Members know that we do not allow bad behavior. As a result, they generally watch themselves and the whole forums stays a place where everybody can feel welcome

    All in all, this approach seems to be working.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  5. #25
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    P.S. that last sentence of my original post was not aimed at anyone in particular. The thing is: we are not going to allow insults to go by without consequences.

    We've had members in the past who thought that they should be able to say what they want, to whom they want 'because this is the internet, and we are all grownups'. Eventually, either they changed, or were told to move out.

    We are not changing this aspect of our approach to moderation. So if someone feels the need for such behavior, he should either change if he wants, or move to a place where such things are allowed (plenty of those) and as a result be much happier.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  6. #26
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Have no interest in trying to make anyone change their opinion or talk anyone down. I mostly enjoy reading comments sometimes totally different than mine, as it forces me to think and consider my own principles as well.

    What makes it little difficult for me is to translate my words correctly into English. Have to use simplified verson of all i am about to write
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  7. #27
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    When I posted my first opinoin of this thred I was thinking about antother posters comment on another thread recently and the action taken.I agree whole heartedly with the action and concequense of this forum.By poor articulation on my part my post on this thread did not come across like I thought it would.I just didn't think that everyone else who did and does abbide by the rules here need the reminder also.Sorry for my misunderstanding.

  8. #28
    It's Domo-kun bromion's Avatar
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    The health care threads are pretty heated. I got into one but the heat kept going up, so I let it go.

    I'm very active in another forum online for reef aquarium keepers (, and they explicitly ban political discussions because they can get out of hand. At the least, it's good to see that these discussions are contained to one forum here. Hope no bad blood spills over!

  9. #29
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Apart from the fact that I personally like the conversation forum, there is a good reason to have one. If we allow forum members to treat each other as human, we have to have some place for them to talk about daily life, announce births, share grief, etc. Politics and religion are just an aspect of that. And as Glen said, for some of us this is the only way to find people with other opinions than ours.

    Objectively, having a conversation is necessary, because people will be people and if they can't post things here, those things would seep through in the rest of the forum, via casual remarks and off topic tangents. This way it is contained to 1 forum.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  10. #30
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    I mean, when a mod or mentor steps in and tells me, "no, you're wrong" or "thats a bad idea" sometimes I'll respond heatedly and I probably deserved it and I end up seeing that, but in one of the threads someone told me essentially that I knew nothing and that's to be expected because I'm from IthIca and then tried to tell me about my own University- that I was wrong and didn't have the facts, yet his "facts" were intro'd with "I've never been to Cornell, nor do I know much about it..." and were blatantly wrong. Whoever banned them, thank you.

    On another note, with regard to atrocity, someone blatantly typed out "**** you you're an *******" in a thread... I mean, heated arguments and emotions aside, that is just rude.

    We all have our disagreements, and we all have our heated points and arguments, but we all need to remember (myself included, I am genuinely guilty) that we should still try and love one another
    Last edited by khaos; 09-30-2009 at 06:05 AM.

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