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  1. #31
    Beard growth challenged
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    I'd be really happy about more topic related threads than conversation threads.
    The reason they are allowed should not lead to them getting the upperhand.
    They are mostly annoying and I can't find anything attractive on people who constantly fire them up.
    The participants expose themselves in a manner that leads to bias in topic related posts later on, which disturbs the discussion.
    Personally I stay out of them, but it bugs me that I have to search for topic related stuff among the big number currently.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0livia View Post
    I'd be really happy about more topic related threads than conversation threads.
    The reason they are allowed should not lead to them getting the upperhand.
    They are mostly annoying and I can't find anything attractive on people who constantly fire them up.
    The participants expose themselves in a manner that leads to bias in topic related posts later on, which disturbs the discussion.

    Personally I stay out of them, but it bugs me that I have to search for topic related stuff among the big number currently.
    I agree Olivia. I used to avoid them like the plague but I find myself getting sucked into them from time to time depending on the topic. I have to admit that I too become biased against members who participate in these controversial topics who have the chutzpah to disagree with my point of view so I try to discipline myself to avoid these threads too.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #33
    Beard growth challenged
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    Jimmy your posts in those threads are scarce highlights and always great to read,
    but the whole thing is not worth the embarrassment IMO.
    It sure seems like leaving the field to the opponents but the smarter one gives in, as we say.

  4. #34
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    one thing the moderator should do is make sure of the comments of someone on the subject. i was banned for a few days for making a comment that was taken out of context and was not able to respond to the ban. although the comment was left up for all to see, if it was in fact demeaning why was it not taken down. i was not intending to bash or insult anyone, i was commenting on an idea not any group of people. being condemned for saying something and not being able to respond in itself is not conducive to a great debate. all views in a debate are valid and need to be heard and digested for further conversations, not shut off or the member banned without knowing his or her intent. i hope i have got my point across without further bad feelings....

  5. #35
    Member stygian's Avatar
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    I mean, when a mod or mentor steps in and tells me, "no, you're wrong" or "thats a bad idea" sometimes I'll respond heatedly and I probably deserved it and I end up seeing that, but in one of the threads someone told me essentially that I knew nothing and that's to be expected because I'm from IthIca and then tried to tell me about my own University- that I was wrong and didn't have the facts, yet his "facts" were intro'd with "I've never been to Cornell, nor do I know much about it..." and were blatantly wrong. Whoever banned them, thank you.
    Weird. I love Ithaca. When I was an undergraduate I wanted to do my graduate work at Cornell. Had the grades and the GRE score but all the biomedical research was at the med school in NY city and I really didn't want to live in NY. This was six years ago, though I heard from a friend up at NYU that Cornell just completed a big biomedical research building. Might have to look again for a postdoc if I can convince the wife that the winters aren't that bad.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stygian View Post
    Might have to look again for a postdoc if I can convince the wife that the winters aren't that bad.
    If you can convince her of that you are probably cut out to be a lawyer more than a doctor.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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