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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    They are clearly saying "deliver us - Obama!"

    Bunch of kooks
    Last edited by honedright; 09-30-2009 at 11:50 PM.

  2. #12
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    FWIW I am hearing O-Ba-Ma as clear as day

    And Commie, I gotta say that I'm pretty sure Obama isn't imaginary. I've seen him on TV.

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  4. #13
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    There is a difference between Obama and God...God doesn't think he is Obama.

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  6. #14
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    This reminds me of the back masking or whatever it was called way back in the day. When you could supposedly play music backwards and hear all sorts of devilish nastiness. But it only worked AFTER someone already told you Freddy Mercury was singing, "It's fun to smoke marijuana."

    If they just played it, without telling you what to listen for, it sounded like a song played backwards and it was gibberish.

    Try listening to the theme song to the old Bat Man show, but with the words "Fat Man" replacing Bat Man. You'll never hear Bat Man again.

    Have someone tell you every time Ricky Ricardo says "Lucy" but he's really saying a naughty word for a part of the female anatomy that rhymes with "Lucy" and unfortunately that is what you'll tend to hear.

    People are hearing Obama because that is their particular paranoia.

    I've listened to it backwards too and it is clearly saying, "Stay in school kids, then you won't fall for this sort of kookiness."

  7. #15
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I am definitely hearing the congregation responding "Deliver us Obama!".

    What I am hearing before that is the priest saying "If there were two pizzas, one called the 'Offal Eater' with heart and brain and kidney and liver, and one called the 'Obama' with 3 cheeses and anchovies, which one would you want delivered to your house??"

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  8. #16
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I am definitely hearing the congregation responding "Deliver us Obama!".

    What I am hearing before that is the priest saying "If there were two pizzas, one called the 'Offal Eater' with heart and brain and kidney and liver, and one called the 'Obama' with 3 cheeses and anchovies, which one would you want delivered to your house??"


  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by joscobo View Post
    This reminds me of the back masking or whatever it was called way back in the day. When you could supposedly play music backwards and hear all sorts of devilish nastiness. But it only worked AFTER someone already told you Freddy Mercury was singing, "It's fun to smoke marijuana."

    If they just played it, without telling you what to listen for, it sounded like a song played backwards and it was gibberish.

    Try listening to the theme song to the old Bat Man show, but with the words "Fat Man" replacing Bat Man. You'll never hear Bat Man again.

    Have someone tell you every time Ricky Ricardo says "Lucy" but he's really saying a naughty word for a part of the female anatomy that rhymes with "Lucy" and unfortunately that is what you'll tend to hear.

    People are hearing Obama because that is their particular paranoia.

    I've listened to it backwards too and it is clearly saying, "Stay in school kids, then you won't fall for this sort of kookiness."
    There is no doubt that what you say is possible but when I first heard it I was just asked to listen, no lead in, no explanation. Just listen. At first I heard nothing but the lady's prayer but little by little I began to understand the crowd chanting and "Deliver us Obama" was what I heard. then I got the back story.

  10. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, its a well known fact Obama is the Antichrist so it makes perfect sense they would be praying to him and in a few years from now all of you will be too or else.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  11. #19
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joscobo View Post
    People are hearing Obama because that is their particular paranoia.
    I said I am hearing Obama, not that it worries me in the least. If that is what they are saying (as I hear it), what does it matter? If there are people who pray to Obama, it doesn't affect my feelings about his actions or policies. I just hear Obama when I listen to it.

  12. #20
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    I have asked Mr. Toes and Basil to assist with their two pair of super sensitive ears. As it turns out the kooky kongregation is responding with "deliver us a bongo". Clearly a petition for a rhythm section for the trombonist.

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